Ho my. It's been over a month and a half since i've updated this thing. I'm a disgrace.
Does anyone actually do the livejournal thing anymore??
I have pictures to post but they are at home and i'm up north sooo a stupid "text only" entry will due.
Got report cards and band junk. I missed a couple grad parties and I apologize... To Mia especially. I forgot what they day was. I thought it was Saturday when it was really Sunday and missed her party. I feel stupid and bad.
I'm up north until Thursday. It's nice not waking up and showering&doing my hair. I know that sounds retarded, but I hate just waking up and getting ready for some reason. When all you do is swim and boat all day getting ready is pointless. Oh, I want to live up here.
I want to hang out with so many people before summer is up. For once i'm going to actually try and do it.