You had the correct idea about that episode, in my opinion. This stayed true to the Brian and Justin in my mind, and is a believable way that the two of them could've stayed together. It would have made the rest of the series so different. Thanks for this really creative and well written fic, with perfect Brian and Justin voices. Sherrie
What a funny and original way to write a fic for this challenge! It fit the description perfectly, but was so funny and so B/J. And the picture of Ted and Emmett surveying the backroom is priceless! Well done you, whoever you are! Sherrie
Awwww...that was difficult to read 'cos the angst-level was way too high for my woobie-self...but I have to say that it was absolutely well written and very much in character.
Comments 34
Interesting twist, great S2 B/J voices IMO. I really liked it.
Also, the final twist made me happy. :D:D:D
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