Feel free to archive away! I've written a few other things that are dying a slow death on my hard drive, but maybe we'll see. =P The only other things I've posted online were in association with a fandom class I took at my university, so they were created under deadline and are a bit slap-dash, if you know what I mean. But, if you're interested, there's a double-drabble called "Change of Scenery" here --> http://kjsilopanna.livejournal.com/20277.html#cutid1 and a ficlet called "Stages of Uncertainty" here --> http://kjsilopanna.livejournal.com/15083.html#cutid1
Very, very good. I like the non-drama of it, they're in different cities and they miss each other (and OMG what a beautiful paragraph where Brian tells him he misses him!) and even though they don't talk to each other all the time, they are still fine. Living their own lives... for now.
Loved Gus visiting and Brian showing up with the condoms LOL
Hee! I'm glad you liked the "missing" paragraph, it was actually one of the first things I scribbled on my outline for this thing while I was still brainstorming for ideas.
I figured that every college-age kid makes his or her own array of culinery disasters as they learn the finer points of microwaving, so I found the EasyMac thing entirely necessary. I'm so glad you liked it!
I loved sharing Justin's New York experience, his hard work and determination to succeed. I got a bit concerned about his neglect of Brian - which made it such a wonderful surprise when Brian knocked on his door.
Aw, I'm sorry to make you worry about the BJ lurve! I guess it just goes to show how much of a whirlwind the real world can be--you even have to set aside the sexiest man alive (for a little while). I'm thrilled that you love the story, though! Thanks SO much for commenting!
it is about hard work, but he's still the luckiest guy in nyc. i mean, brian came to see him without having his hand forced, and he didn't gripe once! (also, i love this.)
Hee hee, I figured it would be important for Brian to come visit of his own volition. I'm so thrilled that you liked it! And thank you SO much for commenting! *dances*
Comments 64
I am SO glad you liked my story, and I'm thrilled that the voices sounded genuine. =)
I absolutely LOVED your story!!! :D
I think you should write more QaF... did you write any QaF stories before this one? If yes, can you point me to the right direction??
Also, can I archive it on Queer Eyes?
Thanks again for your support!
Loved Gus visiting and Brian showing up with the condoms LOL
The ending is beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you SO much!!!!
Thanks SO much for commenting!!!
Great story, flowed smoothly and wonderfully. ♥
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