Title: The Last Fall Of Brian Kinney Fanwork: Artwork Made by: nemesia_poo Timeline: AU Author's Notes: This isn't a Death!Artwork. QaF/Tales From The Crypt crossover.
This is so cool! Poor Brian! Love what you did with the colors and it does look like Brian. You captured Ted's look too. Dopy Ted. Ha ha ha. The side panel of characters is a nice touch and is that Justin walking in the background? Great job!
No. YOU are so cool. Thanks for everything. And of course is Justin in the background, his hair doesn't let us see his face to give a mysterious atmosphere. -The fact that I didn't have the time to draw him right didn't have anything to do Doesn't The Old Witch sounds familiar? Like from season 1? Maybe? Ok, it doesn't look like her.*runs away crying*
I sure would be scared to read this story! You've definitely captured the pain and anguish on Brian's face! I love how Ted is one of your featured characters :)
Tales from the Crypt are usually quite funny too. I'm sure nothing too bad would happen to any of them. At least Justin must be healing Brian with pasionate sex in this momment.
Comments 11
And of course is Justin in the background, his hair doesn't let us see his face to give a mysterious atmosphere. -The fact that I didn't have the time to draw him right didn't have anything to do
Doesn't The Old Witch sounds familiar? Like from season 1? Maybe? Ok, it doesn't look like her.*runs away crying*
I doubt Ted would love his pic, for some reason he looks kinda ill. Nothing to do with the artist skills.
I tried to use Fall colors.
... Your Hot Brian icon is looking at me. It's kind of...SEXY!
I love how Ted is one of your featured characters :)
Tales from the Crypt are usually quite funny too. I'm sure nothing too bad would happen to any of them. At least Justin must be healing Brian with pasionate sex in this momment.
Just for your information...Ted may not be...Ted. He's been acting strange lately...
It was hard to draw Brian, I had to look intensely to tons of pictures of him. A real nightmare.
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