Title: Over Indulgent Drabble Series
Warnings: F word gets thrown around a bit. But it's Brian, what did you expect?
And the condom goes too ... I have five. They are all 100 words. I will give three to Brian and two to Justin.
Over Indulgent Drabble Series )
Comments 17
"That was before she showed up and started fucking bossing me around!" Brian slammed his empty cup down.
"Because it's just another set of lesbians. Do we really need more lesbians in our life?"
"You like them. Both of them, just admit it." Justin put on his jacket. "Let's go."
"Fine." Brian sighed, following behind Justin. "But if they ask for sperm? I'm leaving."
"No dinner party gifts, either."
(now they sound like fun girls. They might enjoy a sling! lol)
These were just sooo much fun to read. Thanks! :))
And I'm glad you liked them!! :) More soon, maybe!
Back to the drawing board...
"Oh please, Brian, we've fucked in every room in this building. It isn't like it's a holy place of worship." :p Like I said, absolute genius. :D
Does that mean if I write more you'll read 'em?
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