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queerasfolkfans Life of Brian; A Lesson In Standards: QAF Recap 507 06-26-05 by StickyKeys My best “on location” friends Juanita and Jerrod were in town and I made them sit and watch with me, so this recap will be formatted a little differently than usual.
Talk about a crazy night to go with a crazy episode.
Melanie (seemingly trying to save face?) says, “It’s not just [Torontosburgh]. Yesterday afternoon Family America (sigh), the conservative based citizen’s action group, announced that they’d collected enough signatures to have proposition 14 placed on the ballot in an upcoming statewide election If passed the controversial measure could dissolve a broad range of contracts between same-sex couples.” Deb goes off and Michael tells her to calm down. Melanie continues reading and we learn that, “Opponents say proposition 14 is one of the most homophobic pieces of legislation in our country’s history. It would effectively negate powers of attorney, wills, leases, child custody arrangements, joint bank accounts, and health insurance granted by companies that recognize domestic partnerships.” Michael looks horrified now, “Holy shit, that is everything!” Deb gives him the eyebrow and says, “Did I hear someone say don’t overreact?” Shut up Deb! I’ve about had it with her this season.
“That’s what some other people said once,” Mel says in response to overreacting, “next thing you know they were being shipped off to camps.” Right. First of all, Shut Up scene. Second of all, I don’t understand this legislation. Is it just for homosexuals? How would that not fall under the hate crimes category? Like, last time this happened people did end up in camps, but because of that there was more legislation so it would never happen again. I was also informed by snacktastic (love that name!) on Moldy’s boards that Pittsburgh even has hate-crime laws that protect transsexuals, so why is QAF trying to present them as this haven for homo-haters? Thirdly, I’m Christian and yes, I know that our beliefs are in direct conflict with this show, but please rest assure that we are not all bat crap crazy! For every “Christian” that would vote for some mess like this, there is a newly opened up spot in hell. I just don’t understand this push to make the life of a homosexual so hard. I mean if these “Christians” believe that homosexuals are going to hell, then isn’t that BAD ENOUGH?!? Why must we compound the offense and make their lives hell? That’s just ridiculous to me, because seriously, they know that they’re gay and they’re either going to be gay, or they’re not. Nothing you do is going to change that. So you can tell them they can’t have legal unions and you can take away their insurance, and break their joint bank accounts (which seriously, WTF?), but they will still be gay. It’s not like they’re going to say, “Well dang Jimmy, I did want to sleep with you, but we wouldn’t be able to get a lease arrangement anywhere!” Whatever stupid legislation. Whatever show.
And those are just my thoughts if it relates only to gay people. Please don’t let me find out that this is supposed to apply to everyone and will just hit gays the hardest.