The thing you need to know is, it's all about sex

Aug 10, 2006 01:55

Name: Nikki
Age: 24
Sex: female
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Hobbies/Talents: collecting perfume, graphic design, wasting time online, flirting
Pet Peeves: oh there's too many to list. ignorance, hypocrites, overly perky people, people who want to take away other people's choices
Dream Job: owning a vintage clothing store or making my own perfumes
How would you describe your style? mod, sexy, slightly rock, faerie
How do you feel about love/relationships? I used to be a romantic as a teen, but then I got married and now I think relationships is all about what we can get out of the other person. It all turns into friendship, just some you have sex with and others you don't.
What's your favorite quote and why? "When I'm good I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better." - Mae West. That's been my favorite quote for a long time and I tend to use it everywhere.

Put an X next to the ones that apply to you:
Is it okay if I provide an explanation to them? I want you all to see my personality better and why I answered the way I did to each one.

[ ]You are a happy person. -- That doesn't happen too often. I'm bipolar. But I do get into moods where I get manic and think I'm invincible, that's about as close as I get.
[X]You are on the quiet/shy side. -- Yes. Confident though, sometimes to the put of being arrogant.
[ ]You are a fag hag. -- I wish I was, but I'll have to say no.
[X]You're sexy and you know it. -- See: "confident to the point of being arrogant"
[ ]You are physically strong. -- Not really, no.
[X]Others find you intimidating. -- So I've heard occassionally.
[ ]You are young naive. -- Oh god, no.
[ ]You are flamboyant. -- Sometimes yes. But more often no.
[X]You are considered "cold-hearted" at times. -- Mmmhmm.
[X]You are sarcastic. -- At times.
[X]You are a determined individual. -- I want to be perfect and I plan to accomplish everything I want eventually. It's just taking me awhile.
[ ]You are well known in your community. -- Nah. I don't like people enough for that.
[X]You are artsy. -- I love design. I can't draw but I'm good with graphics.
[X]You are conniving. -- I like to call it persusaive.

Please list no more than four
Color: burgandy, black, white, rainbow
Band: Garbage, Jack Off Jill, Radiohead, Muse
Movie: LOTR trilogy, Star Wars triology, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown
Cartoon: Meh. I'm not a big cartoon fan. I liked Rainbow Brite as a kid. Umm... South Park count?
Food: popcorn, slurpees, amaretto, cherry ring pops
Book: Angela's Ashes, 'Tis, Violet and Claire, Harry Potter series

Queer as Folk Related Questions :
Favorite Episode: 122, 206
Favorite Scene: This is going to sound very perverted, but that's how I sound most of the time so... my favorite scene is in season 2 episode 10 where Brian is choking Justin. "What if... I'd started to strange you..."
Favorite Song: Placebo with David Bowie "Without You I'm Nothing" and Garbage's "You Look So Fine" which both happen to be placed in very nice scenes. ;)
Favorite Season: Season 1

Anything else we should know? Nah, I got to explain myself well in the X thing.

Pics of you:

This was taken a few days ago.

Hope you all vote so I can get stamped. If so I can pimp this community to all my QaF loving friends. ;)
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