(no subject)

Aug 14, 2004 18:29


** basics **
Name:: Ana
Nickname:: Ana, Linare, shorty, Anuh, sexual chocolate (bowling name)
Location:: 4 million Cubans, 4 americans.
Gender:: female
Birthplace:: here…@ mercy hospital
Birthstone:: Ruby!
Birthday:: July 27
Sign:: Leo
Righty or Lefty:: righty
Screenname:: qbanita727…

** your looks **
Height:: 5’2 or so
Weight:: about 110
Shoe size::  6
Hair Color:: brown with a HINT of red
Hair Length:: middle of my back
Eye Color:: brown
Glasses:: I don’t wear them.
Braces:: invisalign?
Piercings:: ears
Tattoos:: NO. not only does it involve needles, but it’ll hurt =/

** fashion **
Where do you shop:: burdines, 579 (yea short people store 8D) and um..jc penney?
What do you usually wear:: jeans, tank tops, blouses, sandals or sneakers
What kind of shoes do you wear:: flats, sandals, open toed, sneakers
Do you wear a watch:: usually
Color you never wear:: hmm probably orange
Color you wear at least once a week:: blue and white
Something you wear everyday:: undergarments,  a hair clip, earrings, my watch
Do you wear make up everyday:: some eyeliner and lipgloss if anything
Make up essential:: eyeliner, I like eye stuff lol
Most cherished piece of clothing:: hm..probably my flower hoodie..its so comfy
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: a tubetop. (strapless dresses yes, tubetop NO.)
Do you wear belts:: yes I do
Do you wear hats:: not really…
How many pairs of shoes do you have:: maybe like…4?

** music **
Favorite kind of music:: some cool alternative, some but very little indie, some heavy metal, classic rock
Least Favorite:: RAP.
How many CD's do you have:: about 20 or something, most are burned
Last CD you bought:: snow patrol
Whats in your CD player right now:: a burned cd
Do you download music:: legally =/..its such a pain..i tend to just download illegally from my uncle’s comp if musicmatch doesn’t have it..

** Favorites **
Color:: navy and royal blue
Number:: 27 (just ask how much that number has had to do with my life lol)
Season:: summer...no school and my birthday!
Ice cream:: that brownie fudge one with the brownie bits in it.mmmmm
Website:: probably livejournal and yahoo (games and email)
Quote:: “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger”
Store:: jc penney (they have sales like..every day.)
Band:: a lot..radiohead, snow patrol, goo goo dolls, coldplay, the postal service
Singer:: amy lee…tiene tremenda voz
Rapper:: RAP: Retards Attempting Poetry.
Group:: isn’t this the same as band?
Song:: hmm..karma police by radiohead, run by snow patrol, tears in heaven-eric Clapton (saaaaaad song..)
Movie:: memento was a good one, I love the princess diaries movies, Ben Hur (classic)
Actor:: Robin Williams is a riot, Charlton Heston’s also good.
Actress:: Audrey Hepburn, Julie Andrews
Kind of movies:: comedy and those that have those awesome twists at the end that make you go “OOOOOHHHHH”
Place to be:: my house, or at the mall
Time of day:: twilight..like at 4 or 5 in the morning
Clothing Brand:: I don’t look at the brands..
Animal:: puppies, and harp seals (cute as hell little animals haha)
Food:: Chinese and Italian.
Holiday:: Christmas, my BIRTHDAY, and w/e holiday gets me out of school
Shape:: circle?
Restaraunt:: la giraldilla, chilis, on the border
Fast food place:: wendy’s
Boy's name:: michael
Girl's name:: Alexandra, Amelia, Janelle, and that Cuban thing where you put Maria in front of every name (Maria Carolina, Maria Elena, etc.)
Word:: bioluminescence.
Month:: July and November
Candy:: chocolate stuff…snickers

** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference:: guys
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: no boyfriend at the moment.
Crush:: sadly
Do you believe in love at first sight:: physical attraction at first sight? Yes. Love at first sight? No.
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: sense of humor, wit, comforting, understanding, open minded, none of that ghetto “I’m such a playa pimp” crap. (zero tolerance for that  kinda dude lol)
Best physical feature:: my eyes I guess
Best hair color:: brown
Best eye color:: blue and green are pretty

** randoms **
Do you paint your nails:: yea pretty often
What color is your tooth brush:: light green
What's on your desktop:: fractal art background
Do you like roller coasters:: yep!
Do you do drugs:: nope
Are you a virgin:: yep
Do you have any pets:: a maltese-bichon, DAISY
What time do you go to sleep:: late
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