Hi, All - What's happening in the US?
After many days of trying, mom and I have figured out that I don't have sea legs. ;-) I've spent a lot of time sleeping in the cabin instead of playing games with the rest of the cruising public. But I was right, I'm one of the youngest on the ship. I've met a 23 year old female and there are rumors of 20 year old boy but that is it. OMG!!! Grey seems to be the predominant color. :-) And Bridge is the game of choice. Help!!!!
I get internet access once in a blue moon out here. Seems they use a satilate connection slower that dial up because they charge you by the minute. It's sooo much fun. And the TV ... whew!!! Well, we lose what channels we have regularly. I'm going through CNN withdraw.
But It's a lot of fun here. I don't mean to complain. Do you know, the Atlantic is really Blue? And I don't mean a dark blue, I'm talking about a vibrant colbalt blue so rich it's amazing. It goes shades of blue I've never seen - turquoise and green-blues and light blues and ... wow! And the sky just reaches forever with white clouds like I've never imagined.
My birthday was wonderful. Everyone sung to me at dinner ... and again in the casino when they were having bad kareoke. It was so painful. The people here are incredibly friendly and funny. If I could find someone to play canasta or spades with, I'd be in seventh heaven. (Hey, steph, 1 week in and I've only gained 2 lbs. Yeah!!! The desserts aren't winning!)
We hit our first port - Horta. We visited its' capital city that could not hold 100,000 people. The Azores is a dozen islands in the middle of no where and it's beautiful. The entire place had iron work that wrapped pastel color houses that stuck together. It's a little like Miami except Miami is much bigger. And it climbs up the side of a actual volcano. Mom went up to see the volcano for her tour but I had to cancel my tour for this stop. I had whale watching. I figured if I'm having this much trouble on the 'big' boat, I'd be sick on a smaller one.
Well, this email is getting a lot bigger than I intended. Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive and Mom and I haven't done any bodily injure to each other. Sorry for the misspelling, my spellcheck is not working. Thanks for all the birthday emails. I appreciate hearing from home.
I'll drop you another line after portugal. Hope everyone is well! (Stephanie - how's my baby, tippy???)