OOC: Reposted from
theatrical_muse from 7/3/2004, 15 of 50.
How do you view commitment?
Well, it certainly hasn't escaped my attention that in at least some languages it's a euphemism for being declared out of your gourd and locked up in prison with the rest of the crazy people.
I think that about sums up my view of commitment.
If you had the choice, would you live forever?
Well, I'm not dead, am I?
I do have the choice-- so long as I don't choose to end my own life, and so long as peace reigns within my civilization and no one gets the bright idea of shooting me with the guns we invented during our civil war, and so long as I manage not to piss off so many people that they kick me out, again, I probably will live forever. This is a situation I am quite pleased with, I assure you. As dull as immortality can be sometimes, it certainly beats the alternative.