Trying out an app I just downloaded on the recommendation of
this here ZDNet writer, a rara avis of the software world: a Microsoft-related program that seems actually to work. (Windows Live Writer, for those of you following along at home.) Verdict's not in yet, but the prosecution's putting on a mighty convincing case, and the defense may just
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Comments 9
GLACIERS! I like glaciers. They're blue! (well. Turquoise).
Glazed ANYTHING. I do a wonderful apple tart with a brown sugar, spice and brandy glaze. And there's this cake shop in Acland St that does brandy snaps (filled with chocolate mousse) in a toffee glaze! NOM NOM NOM.
Ooh, glaciers. Good call. And I've actually seen some of those, as my family took a (rather dreadful but very pretty) vacation several years ago to three national parks in California and one of them still boasted stacks of imposing ice in JUNE (which is typically, y'know, warm and balmy in many bits of the US).
As to the pastry point: I am coming to live at your house for dessert. And then we are going to the Acland Street bakery for snacks. Yis. *nods firmly*
I love that -- it's the most charming description of geysers I have ever read. I will always see geysers in that light now -- thank you!
Canadian Geese are beautiful and MEAN! My parents have three and have to be careful with them. The African geese are much more friendly. And, the peafowl spook too easily to be personable.
Miss you!
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