Title: Imprinted
Rating: R
Pairing Ravi/Leo
Wordcount: 3,557
Summary: Taekwoon gets a tattoo; Wonsik gets obsessed.
Warnings: non-explicit sexual content, minor instance of bloodplay
Notes: Written for
kpop_ficmix as a remix of
Ink Stains.
Unpacked boxes littered the tile floor and the walls were still unpainted when Wonsik's first customer walked through the door. )
Comments 14
You did it
Im so
"In case you can't tell," Wonsik said with an ironic smile, gesturing around the clutter, "I'm not open yet."
A pair of dark eyes followed Wonsik's gesture, seeming to take in everything but showing no reaction to it. They turned back on Wonsik and stared for an uncomfortably long time before the stranger said, in a voice so quiet Wonsik had to strain to hear him, "I want a tattoo."
and the As the door quietly chimed open, Taekwoon smiled. "Miss me?" is /so/ fitting and perfect and wonderful and
every scene and every action you describe in this appears really vividly in my head and overall this is a really memorable fic and i want you to know how much i love it and how much i think about it!
thank you for writing this!!
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