Your character can automatically run in Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Finally! Fifteen years! Only took 15 years to do that. Three presidents, two wars, a stock market crash, and countless events in-between. Thank you Game Freak.
Jeez, Konami. See, this is what happens when you make dj TAKA the sound producer of DDR X2 AC. I hear nothing but good news from those in the community. You're getting me excited here.
Decade - kors k Vs. dj TAKA - 2/5/6/11
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You know when you miss the Sword of Kings? You can't go back for it. You have to start all the way from the beginning, knowing everything you do and re-experiencing it all up to where you stopped. But there are things like the Sword of Kings worth going after, even if it means starting from scratch.