
Dec 14, 2005 20:52

I have no time right now to do anything but work, but i must say... I gotta see this

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Comments 12

spiffyismyname December 15 2005, 02:01:13 UTC
Ahhh I want to see it! Too bad it doesn't come out until fall 2006...


1_shocking_dane December 15 2005, 05:49:45 UTC
hah i love your icon AND your user name


spiffyismyname December 15 2005, 15:36:17 UTC

i'm obsessed with Dane Cook AND Where the Wild Things are


1_shocking_dane December 15 2005, 19:33:37 UTC
haha super!


doritoz December 15 2005, 13:06:32 UTC
whats it about? the sounds not working (who is she?)


mojave3108 December 16 2005, 00:08:57 UTC
brilliant. is it a theaters or tv movie?

p.s. i replied to the cftpa entry and YOU already replied. touché.


mazziah December 16 2005, 01:12:10 UTC
kirsten dunst is ugly... except that picture of her with the fan is kind of hot... what a goofy preview


awkward awkward awkward awkward burningtears December 29 2005, 06:19:32 UTC
UM. so i'm friends with lucy and people and, being really bored, browsing livejournal (is there ever anything better to do?) and THIS IS THE GREATEST MOVIE TRAILER OF ALL TIME. a friend sent the link to me few weeks ago and i have watched it at least a million times since then. and joined a facebook group dedicated to it. it (the trailer) is def one of the top 10 movies of 2005. age of consent?!?! yes.

anyway, that's all.


Re: awkward awkward awkward awkward qsandnotyours December 29 2005, 08:23:21 UTC
Im in that facebook group too, only I dont actually go to yale.
I'm Baby Trees. My sister (Adriane, who does go to Yale) set me up with the facebook thing. blame her.


But yeah, it is a beyond amazing trailer.


Re: awkward awkward awkward awkward burningtears December 29 2005, 21:13:48 UTC
AH!!! that is insane! i mean very, very insane. um, hey! weird. but you go to gds, right?


Re: awkward awkward awkward awkward qsandnotyours December 30 2005, 00:21:37 UTC
yes i do. How did you know?


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