Let me know if this works...it's not how I wanted to do it, but maybe this will work?
This is totally spurred my Denise's post, so you all have her to thank for me junking up your friends pages. Buuuuut I like pictures, I like spring, and I like Dickinson, so here's a little combo of all three.
Denise posted really cool pics from around downtown West Chester and of some of the buidlings of the university, and I thought they were really neat. Some little places that I had noticed and like too, some cool angles, and a place or two I had never travelled to, but now I'd kind of like to. And she asked for more campus pics, and it got me all sentimental, so I rooted out some of my favorite Dson spring pictures. And honestly, for as many pictures as I took, it really sort of made me wish I had taken more. Because it's never enough. No amount of pictures is going to let me hold on to the place any tighter, but they really do help bring it all back. Just looking at them, I can hear the little Carlisle birdies singing and smell the ginko trees...eh, maybe this trip down memory lane should turn around right there. *lol*
Anyway, without further ado and so I can get back to lesson planning (yippee.), here are some lovely Dson moments.
Here we begin our little foray around campus at the corner of the academic quad.
chibistar2000 Looking across the quad toward Weiss, the music building. I wish I had a good picture of Drayer field, down where the dorms were, because that was always the best to see poeple stretched out. The first sign of spring would hit, and all the little underclassmen who lived there (and crazy upperclassmen like me) would grab a blanket, a book, a frisbee, a baseball, or whatever else, and head out to the field.
chibistar2000 The little side garden of East College. East College itself was pretty boxy and un-photogenic, but the garden was cute. I loved the little spring flowers in it.
chibistar2000 Here's the front of the HUB, HUB nuts and all. =) The flower petals were always crazy by April...it'd be like pink snowpiles filling up the little flower gardens along the sidewalks.
chibistar2000 And the back of the HUB, after they put in the little unbrellas on the picnic tables. Getting grab-and-go or Snar food and eating out here meant spring was totally here. (Also gotta love the random DPS van that made its way into my picture.
chibistar2000 Mermaid!!! (Yes, there is a story behind it. I guess you could say our little Mermaid is "distinctly Dickinson," eh? ;) )
chibistar2000 One of the flags on the lamppost...cuz it's cool.
chibistar2000 In a few weeks, the library will look like this, all green and lush and lovely. Nothing like finding a big comfy chair by one of the windows to do work in.
chibistar2000 And finally, what has to be one of my favorite shots of Old West, with the famed Adirondack chair in front...perfection. Ok, so it's a September pic, but I still love it to pieces. Hope you have enjoyed this little foray into Pennsyltucky!
chibistar2000 P.S. I lied! I like to show off, so here's the best shot of all from Dickinson. ;)