My total list D-Y

Nov 10, 2023 17:23

Dalriada IB, Bright Orange, Sisters
Damfino, AB, OGB, 28" (71 cm), rusty, C&T
Dakota Smoke TB, SJ
Dance Card BB, Sisters
Dance Gypsy BB, DD
Dancing Home TB, Iris Oasis
Dancing On Ice TB, SJ, bonus
Dangerous Mood TB, see Habit, Breezeway
Dangerous Love TB, MidAm Wine
Daffy Duck, TB, Tasco. Very slow grower for me, does not bloom after transplanting
Dardanus, AB
Dare To Return, TB, Rockytop

Dark Avenger, IB, Sutton
Dark Crystal SDB, RE, Black, Horton. See Seandell see
Dark Forces IB, Wine
Dark Dream TB, BlueBird Haven
Dark Energy, TB, see Queen, Sisters
Dark Harmony BB, Purple-Black
Dark Matter SDB, Black, Sisters
Dark Passion TB, Black 2-d-? Tina,, CandT
Dark Triad IB, Black, Sisters
Dark Vader SDB, Black, 2-d, Nebraska, dying, 2-d Shreiner's. Keeps dying
Dark Wonder, BB, Purple
Dark Waters IB, C&T Rotted over rainy winter
Dark Storm, TB, Purple dots, Tasco
Darkness, IB, BJ Mislabeled
Dark Icon TB, SJ
Dark Universe, TB, Robin

Dusky Dancer TB, almost black, Exline
Daughter Of Stars, TB, RE, Horton
Dazzling IB, Amoena (White top, Blue bottom)
Decanter TB, Sutton, dark purple self
Deep Currents, TB, Plicata, C&T
Decked Out TB, SJ
Deep Velvet TB, Blue Bird Haven
Deep Black TB, Exline
Deep Dark Secret TB, Purple, see Mislabeled, 2-d Maybe switched with Creature Of The Night
Delirium IB, Luminata (Yellow top, Purple bottom) C&T & France
De Nile, AB (RB-), 1/4, Dark pink,
Deep In Love TB, Pink, MidAm Rotted

Desert Diamond AB, 1/2, OGB, Light Blue. Mislabeled, see Desert Moonlight
Desert Dainty AB, 1/2, AIS
Desert Fury AB, 1/2, OGB $6, Wine
Desert Finery AB, 1/2, OGB, Wine, C&T
Desert Flounces AB, 1/2, OGB Pink
Desert Gala AB, 1/4, OGB-, Yellow top, Brown bottom. Died over dry summer in the field. May have another one.
Desert Genesis AB, 1/2, OGB Pink, AIS
Desert Moonlight AB, 1/2, OGB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom)
Desert Plum AB, 1/2, OGB, Wine, AIS
Desert Pansy AB, 3/4, OGB+, Pink-Wine Bicolor, BJ
Desert Snow AB, 1/4, OGB-, Plant Shack
Destiny's Dream, IB, bordeaux self, Schreiner's

Devil Baby SDB, Black
Devil May Care IB, Black, 2-d, BJ + DDI
Devil's Kiss TB, Purple Bitone, 2-d, C&T
Devil's Intent TB, SJ
Devil's Night SDB, Black, Sisters,
Devoted SDB, Blue top, Red bottom, Sutton 2-d Schreiner's
Devoted Daughter IB, Blue, DD
Dew Buzz Bye SDB, Eagle

Diamonds And Rust AB, DCr
Dinky Pink SDB, Pink
Dither SDB, yellow top, purple specks bottom, Sisters bonus see Droid
Dipped In Dots, TB, DDI
Didgeridoo , SDB, Winterberry Died over dry summer
Disguise TB, Sutton, pink-black
Doe Z Doe IB, Schreiners died, 2-d from Horton
Dominion TB, Historic, Lilac top, Purple bottom
Don't Stop Believing, TB, Pink ruffles, Tasco
Dotting Every Eye, AB, OGB-, 1/4, MidAm Looks bad, 2-d
Done Me Wrong
Double Day, TB, Yellow, RE, Sutton
Double Dribble TB, RE, Purple Horton
Double Chocolate TB, market
Double Overtime IB, RE, Purple
Double Agent, TB, Bicolor, BJ, looks bad, 2-d C&T
Double Kick, TB, Sutton, see Greatest Showman and Viking Lore
Dorcas AB, OGB+, 1/2, 19" (48 cm), Midseason, Lilac Bicolor, BlueJ

Dracula's Kiss TB, Black
Dracula's Shadow TB, Purple-Black, 2-d, from Seandel
Dragon's Eye AB, 1/2, OGB yellow $9, Tasco

Dragonheart TB, Wine
Dragonmaster IB, Wine, Stout
Drama Queen TB, Nebraska
Dreamville TB, White top, yellow bottom, Show

Dream Express, TB, Purple ruffles, BJ
Dressed In Black, TB
Dressed To Impress TB, Pink 2-d, Tasco
Droid SDB, yellow top, purple specks bottom, Sisters bonus see Dither
Drum Circle, TB, see Tagline
Drum Solo, BB, Breezeway rotted. See Black Teddy Bear
Dubai AB, 3/4, OGB+, 33 (84 cm), BJ + MidAm
Dude IB, DDI

Earthborn, TB, Orange, Midseason
Easy Does It, SDB, Schreiners
Eastern Blush AB, DCr Mislabeled. 2-d AIS
Easter Weekend AB Tasco
Ebony Angel TB Black-Wine, Dark Wine Rotted
Ecliptic IB, Brown-Bordeaux, Winterberry bonus
Eerie Encounter AB, 1/4, OGB-, See Sergey, MidAm
Eclipse Spell TB, Pale lilac, Sisters
Edge Of The World TB, Horton
Egyptian Queen AB, 1/4, OGB-, 20" (51 cm), See Dubai, Lilac top, Rusty bottom, MidAm
Egyptian Sands, AB, Lilac top, Yellow bottom, MidAm
Eisblau RC, White top, Yellow bottom
Eleanor Roosevelt IB, RE, Purple
Elf Light For Peggy IB, yellow self, bonus, Stout
Electric TB, Yellow, bonus, Breezeway Died in a dry pot
Elmohr AB, 1/4, OB-, Purple-Red, Tasco Died over hot summer
Elusive Gem TB, Pink
Emerald Fantasy AB, 3/4, OGB+, Dark veins, close to Oyez
Embellished TB, Keith Keppel
Enchanter's Spell, AB, 1/2, Pink top, Dark Pink bottom, Tasco
Enchanted Vista AB, 1/2, OGB, Howard Dash
Endora IB, MidAm bordeaux plicata
Energizer AB, 1/2, Pink top, Dark Pink bottom, tall
English Charm TB, RE, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Orange bottom)
Engraved AB, OB-, OX-?, 32" (81 cm), Mid, Purple veins, BJ
Eric Simpson SDB, RE, Wine
Esther the Queen AB, 1/2, OGB, Lavender top, Yellow bottom
Esmeralda's Bangles TB, Robin Shadlow did not get established
Eternal Summer RE Breezeway
Ever After TB, Willow BF
Exclaim SDB, Yellow top, red bottom
Extra MDB, Eagleridge
Exotic Treasure AB, 1/2, OGB $5, Lavender top, Wine bottom
Exotic Fire TB, Blue Bird Haven
Expert Advice AB, OGB, 28.5" (72 cm), Pale Pink Bicolor, Early-Mid, C&T
Expose TB, gift from Willow Bend Farm. Rotted over summer
Exuberance BB, Pink, Winterberry

Eye On America, AB, MidAm
Eye of Excellence AB, 1/2, OGB, 36" (91 cm), Tasco, New, Pink
Eye Of The Storm AB, 1/4, OGB-, Dark Pink
Eye Of The Tiger SDB, Nebraska. Very low vigour
Eye To Eye AB, 1/4, OGB-, Lavender top, Yellow bottom + C&T Rotted over rainy winter
Eye Of Newt, SDB, Yellow-Red, DDI
Eye On the Prize, AB, MidAm see Suspect
Eyes On You, AB, 1/2, OGB, Little Black Dog Urban Garden

Fade To Black TB, Black, 2-d, Schreiner
Fan Letter TB, Pink-Purple (see Bolshoi). Much better vigour than Aloha Spirit TB.
Fantasm TB, SJ
Fairy Fireworks SDB, Plicata, Sisters
Fall Decor IB, RE, Sutton
Fall Fiesta TB, Schreiners
Fancy Sparkler SDB, Wine, Tasco
Fancy Work, AB 1/4, OB-, BJ
Fanfaron TB, Iris Oasis
Fathom IB, Schreiners
Fashion Week TB, Pink
Fashionista TB - ?, RE, Pink top, Purple bottom, Sutton, 2-d. Got mixed up with Dazzling. Maybe sold as Dazzling.
Fashion Diva, TB, Pink bicolor, MidAm
Fashion Magic TB, Pink bicolor, Horton. Rotted in a pot in summer
Fast Forward IB, Blue-Brown, Breezeway
Fatal Attraction TB, see Habit, Tina
Five And Dime SDB, Pink, bonus MidAm
Feel The Heat, SDB, Red-Yellow
Feeling Romantic TB, MidAm
euding Fiddles IB, see Red Hot Chili MidAm, gift
Fiery Temper TB, Wine Bitone, see Black Magic Woman, Breezeway has Fiery Temper
Fire SDB, Red by Paul Black, Nebraska Mislabeled
Firebug IB, DDI
Fire In The Hole AB, 1/2, OGB $5 Pink
Fire In The Sky IB, blue, Schreiner's. Mislabeled
Firefly Frenzy AB, 1/2, OGB, Wine, 2-d
Fires of Fiji SDB, Blue
Fire In Your Heart TB, Tasco
Firebug, IB, Yellow-Red, DDI
First Nation TB, Sisters

Flashinator TB, Yellow top, Red Bottom
Flashy Dude IB, Peach top, Wine bottom
Flamina IB, Yellow top, Red Bottom, see Night Halo
FlatLander, TB, bonus Keith Keppel

Flirt Alert MTB, see Bumblebee Atkien's, 2-d died
Flirting Again SDB, RE, Purple, France 2-d Breezeway

Flower Shower SDB, RE, Purple
Flying Circus IB, Tina
Football Hero, TB, DDI
For Veronica TB, Purple
Forever Orange, SDB
Forver Blur SDB, Schreiners
Foxy Ferret MTB, Peach top, Purple bottom
Fourward Thinking, IB, BJ, their, 2-d
Frankenberry, SDB, Red, Tasco
Free As The Wind AB, 1/4, OGB-, Pink, Tall
Friendly Fire TB, Horton
Fried Green Tomatoes, IB, Yellow, Stout
Fresh and Lovely AB, 1/4, OGB-, Pink, Tasco
From Within BB, Purple, Breezeway
Frosted Pumpkin, TB, Tasco
Frosty Spirit BB, Pale Blue
Frosted Velvet MTB, Schreiner's Looks bad. Dry spring + watering during summer. 2-d Black Ridge (small)
Fruit Stripe BB, Yellow Top, Purple Bottom, Rotted. 2-d Ripple
Fruit Cocktail, IB, Yellow, BJ
Funfetti BB, Yellow Top, Wine-Red Bottom
Furioso IB, Etsy, Tina has it
Full Figured TB, trade + Iris Oasis
Fully Charged TB, Sutton, bonus

Galaxina AB, 1/4, OGB-,
Galactic Gigolo AB, 1/4, OGB-, MidAm
Gambling Man TB, Yellow Top, Purple Bottom, 3-d, Stout
Garnet Slippers IB, Wine, check where it grows
Garden Debutante TB, Tasco looks bad
Garnettville AB, 1/2 OGB, 28" (71 cm), Pink top, Red bottom C&T, 2-d Blue J Mislabeled, 3-d C&T, 4-d AIS
Gay Hussar, BB, DCr
Game Changer TB, Green Thumd Galore
Gelee Royale AB, 3/4, OGB+, Yellow-Brown
Gemstar SDB, Blue-White
Gem Trader, TB, Sisters
Gene's Lora Lavelle, IB, Yellow top, Red bottom, Stout 2-d
Giant Mohr AB, Blue Bird Haven
Gideon's Lamp AB, OGB, 24" (61 cm). Early-Mid Mislabeled, 2-d, C&T
Genetic Artist AB, 1/2 RB, Pink-Yellow, Tall, 2, Tasco + C&T
Get Inked SDB, Black, Sisters
Gingerbread Man, SDB, DD
Gingerbread Trim, SDB, Schreiner's
Ginger Ice, TB,
Girl Power SDB, MidAm
Gilt Trip, TB, Red, Horton
Girl Crush, TB, bicolor, Rockytop
Girl Watcher SDB or AB, OGB-, White top, Yellow bottom
Gimme Some Lovin, TB, Purple, Bonus, Lauer
Gizmo The Gremlin, SDB, Multucolor, Nebraska
Glow Of Love AB, 1/2, OGB, Pink-Wine speckles
Glamour Puss AB, 1/2, OGB, 28" (71 cm), Early, Yellow self, BlueJ rotted over summer
Glacier Melt, TB, RE, Sutton
Gnus Flash, TB, Tona Henderson + Schreiners
Goblin Cantrip, AB, OGB-/ABD), 9" (23 cm), AIS
Goblin Orison AB (OGB-/ABD), 12" (30 cm), AIS
Goblin Ritual AB (OGB-/ABD), 12" (30.5 cm), AIS
Ghost Train, TB, Tina
Go Big Red, AB (OGB), 28" (71 cm), Midseason, BlueJ
Going in Circles SDB, Red-Pink

Golden Compass AB, 1/4, OGB-, 24" (61 cm), white, yellow-brown bottom Mislabeled
Golden Ruby, SDB, Yellow-Brown, Seandell
Golden Panther TB, FB
Golden Mantel, Sutton rotted from the very beginning, 2-d
Golly Gee Whiz TB, South Jersey + Eagleridge
Gold and Rubies IB, Winterberry Rotted, 2-d Breezeway
Golden Immortal TB, Yellow RE, Sutton
Golden Illusion AB, 1/2, OGB, 33" (84 cm), Tasco
Good Day Sunshine IB, Blue J
Good to Go IB, Pink, Stout. Looks very dry from the very beginning
Good Morning Beautiful TB, Blue J, looks bad + Stout, see
Gotham TB, Schreiners

Grace Sturtevant TB, Historic, Dark Pink top, Bordeaux bottom. Found dried out in late fall
Grace Thomas TB, Yellow, RE, Nebraska
Grape Lik-M-Aid SDB, Purple, see Negra Modelo
Grape Cocktail SDB, Eagle + Sutton
Grape Harvest TB, Exline
Grape Snakez TB, bicolor, Sutton
Grande Coquette, TB, France
Grand Masterpiece AB, 1/2 - ?, OGB, Tasco
Grapenut BB, Beige top, Black bottom
Greatest Showman, TB, Sutton, very bright
Grecian Skies TB, Pale Blue, Tina
Great Looks, TB, see Color Capers Keith Keppel
Grigri AB, 1/4, RB-, 15" (38 cm), Lavender top, Yellow-Red bottom, Seandel
Gypsy Lord, TB, DDI
Guardian's Fire TB, Sutton

Habit TB, Neglecta (Blue top, Purple bottom)
Hachita AB, 1/2, OGB, Howard Dash
Hakuna Matata AB, 1/4, AIS
Halston IB, Purple, RE, Winterberry
Halo Kid SDB, Eagleridge
Harbor Breeze TB Blue bicolor, Horton rotted overwatered in summer
Hannah's Prayer AB, 1/2, OGB, see Refiner's Fire, AIS
Hananiah AB, 1/2, 21" (53.5 cm), AIS, see Lancer
Handful Of Magic, TB, Peach Amoena (Pale Lavender top, Peach bottom)
Harmonious Delight, IB, (DDI)
Hard To Resist TB, MidAm
Harvest of Memories, yellow TB RE, DCr
Harlem Hussy TB, Exline
Happenstance TB, Salmon Pink NOT RE
Haut Les Voiles, TB, France, see Sky King Returns
Heart Of Hearts, AB (OGB-), 24" (61 cm), BJ + MidAm
Headshot TB, MidAm
Heat Of The Moment TB, Red, MidAm Rotted over rainy winter, 2-d
Hellcat IB, BJ
Hello Darkness, TB, bought twice, Schreiner & Tina
Herby's Pride AB, 1/4, OGB-, Amoena (Off-White top, Brown bottom) BlueJ
Here Come the Clowns SDB, RE, Yellow-Purple, Aitken's
Here Comes The Night TB, Black, 2-d, Schreiner
Hi Love, BB, Red, Stout
Hissy-Fit IB, BBHaven
High Achiever, TB, Keith Keppel
High Desert, TB, Sisters see Tagline and Drum Circle
High Profile TB, Purple Bitone
High Point TB, RE, Purple Bitone, BJ
Higher Ground, TB, White-Blue, Bonus, expensive, Rotted over winter
Hocus Pocus SDB, bonus Eagleridge
Hola SDB, Stout
Hollywood Nights TB, Blue-Purple
Hollywood Lights TB, Show
Holy Moley Plum AB, OGB, 28-30" (71-76 cm), Early-Mid,
Holy Cow TB, Wine 2-d, C&T
Holy Kosmoly TB, SJ

Honey Glazed IB, Amoena (White top, Orange bottom), 2-d, Tina + FB
Honey Not Tonight AB, 1/2, OGB, 27" (69 cm), pale blue top, yellow bottom. Rotted over winter after transplanting, 2-d, AIS
Honey Pie TB, Pink-Beige, Sisters bonus Died after dry spring
Honey Oasis AB (OGB- or OGB), Yellow, see Genetic Artist, BJ + Plant Shack

Honky Tonk Hussy BB, Wine, BJ
Honorabile, MTB, 1840, BJ
Honorable Lord, Sisters
Hoosier Belle MTB, Pale Lilac Lavender top, Purple-Wine veined bottom
Hot SDB, RE, Variegata (Yellow top, Red Bottom) 2-d one, Tina
Hot Buttered Rum AB, 1/2, OGB, 12" (30 cm), yellow top, brown bottom Mislabeled 2-d, Plant Shack
Hot News MTB, Brown-Wine
Hot Spot AB, 1/4, OGB-, Variegata (Yellow top, Red Bottom)
How Now Brown Cow TB, Hillcrestiris
Hurricane Bay TB, Purple bicolor, Rockytop, see Purplenique at
Hunt's Dorcom AB (OGB), 27" (69 cm), Midseason, Pink self, BlueJ
Hungarian Rapsody, IB, Stout
Huckleberry Pie TB, Sutton

Idle Rich, TB, Sisters
I'm Back TB, RE, Pink-Wine Bicolor
I'm Not Stable TB, MidAm
Icon, MDB, Yellow-red, Atkien's
Ida Red TB, Black Ridge, small
Indian Pow Wow, SDB, Exline
Imperative IB, Black, 2-d Exline
Impulsive, TB, Tona Henderson
Impressive IB, MidAm
Immaculate Heart TB, Sisters
Imminent Eruption AB, height 28" (71 cm), Midseason, BlueJ, Looks bad, had a worm, she still has it. BJ, still looks bad
Infatuate BB, Amoena (White top, Peach bottom)
Infernal Fire TB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Infrared TB, Schreiners
Instant Attraction, TB, MidAm, see Sergey
In A Flash, IB, Pink-Purple, Winterberry More vigorous than Devil May Care
In A Flash, IB, Tina
Ingenious BB, Pink-Wine, BB Rotted
Inner Peace SDB, RE, Light Blue
Invitation TB, RE, Amoena (White top, Orange bottom)
Irish Blizzard, TB, Rockytop, bonus Discarded
Irresistible Charm TB, Tasco
Italian Velvet TB
It's Amazing, IB, Pink, Breezeway
Island Sunrise SDB, Yellow, Low vigour
Ivory Castle TB, Off-White
I Feel Enchanting MTB, pink bicolor, MidAm

Jack Of Clubs IB, Black
Jackal Cackle TB, SJ
Jacob's Well AB, 1/2, OGB, 22" (56 cm), beige top, brown bottom + bonus from AIS
Jallab AB, 1/4, OGB-, Amoena (Off-White top, Brown bottom), 1 died, 2-d from AIS
Jan Baby TB, Pale Pink Low vigor, discarded
Jazzy Razzy TB, pink, SJ
Jazz Club TB, Sutton, 2-d Bee Haven
Jazzamatazz, SDB, Nebraska Mislabeled 2-d Ripple died very fast. See
Jeanne Clay Plank, TB, Yellow top, Bordeaux veined bottom, Atkien's
Jesse's Edition, BB, White-Blue, BJ
Jennifer Rebecca TB, Pink, RE C&T see Reincarnation Mislabeled
Jewel of Omar AB, 1/4, OGB-, Blue top, Yellow bottom, 3-d, BJ + Seandel + C&T
Jewel Baby SDB, Breezeway + EagleRidge
Jonnye's Magic AB, 1/2, OGB, Purple Plicata, lost in planting 2-d C&T
Jimmy's Jam TB, dark purple, Schreiners
Joviality, TB, Sutton
Jolly Goliath TB, BBHaven
Joy Returns RE, Purple (Sisters)
Jump Start IB, Wine
Junior Partner BB, Black, Keith Keppel
Judean Kabed AB, 1/2 (OGB), 22" (56 cm), AIS, see Lancer

Just Teasing TB, RE Amoena (White top, Orange bottom)
Just A Dusting, MTB, bonus from Atkien's Discarded
Just The Ticket, TB, White top, Blue bottom, Bonus, Lauer - ? One rotted, may have another
Just For Ken TB, Pink, Tasco
Just Crazy, TB, Yellow, Sisters
Jubilance TB, Sisters

Kalifa Gulnare AB, 1/2, OGB, 34" (86 cm), pale lavender top, bright yellow bottom, Looks bad
Kalifa Kashan AB, 1/2, OGB, Yellow, AIS
Kalifa Robe AB, 1/2, OGB, DCr
Kathy Chilton TB, Horton
Karakul TB, Keith Keppel
Kay MDB, MidAm
Kedesh AB, 1/2, OGB, Veined Brown
Ken's Legacy MTB, Yellow, bonus from Atkien's
Keep Going BB, Breezeway, very small
Kentucky Arabian AB, 1/2, OGB or 1/4, OGB-, $9 Purple
King Jehu AB, 3/4, OGB+, Veined Purple
Kinkajou Shrew, TB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Koo Koo SDB, Variegata (Yellow top, Red Bottom)
Kuza-Nama AB, 1/4, OGB-, 28" (71 cm) Pink top, Yellow bottom, see Saracen Cinnamon
Kiosk AB, OGB, 36" (91 cm), Mid-Late, Willow Bend Farm. Rotted over rainy winter + spare + 3-d AIS
Kindred TB, Keith Keppel
Kiwi Slices SDB, Eagleridge

La Ballet SDB, RE, Peach
Lad SDB, Dark blue, Nebraska
Lady Emma
Lady Raven TB, Sisters
Lady Friend TB, SJ
Lady Of The Night BB, Purple-Black
Lady Mohr, AB, OB-, Lavender top, Yellow bottom, C&T
Lakeside Elf AB, 1/2 OGB, 24" (61 cm), Lilac top, Wine bottom, AIS
Lancer AB, 1/2 OGB, height 28" (71 cm), AIS + MidAm
Land Down Under, TB, Brown top, Yellow bottom, Atkien's
Land Of Enchantment' AB, OGB, 28" (71 cm). Early-Mid, Pale Lilac top, Brown bottom, BlueJ
Lake Beseck, AB, OGB-, Hyacinth blue self, Seandel. Stops blooming when overgrown
Late Hours TB, Wine
Last Word TB, MidAm Rotted after dry period in spring
Lavender Lemonade, TB, Pale Purple, Sisters bonus
Lavender Lemon AB, OGB+, DDI
Lavender Lemon AB 3/4, OGB+, 30" (76 cm), see Genetic Artist, AIS (BlueJ)
Leave The Light On, IB, BJ
Leopard Print SDB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Lemon Dainty SPEC-X, 12"-14" (30-36 cm) Basically, SDB, Yellow, Sisters
Lemon Pop IB, Yellow, Breezeway
Lemon Cloud TB, Schreiners
Lenora Pearl BB, RE, Pink,
Let Evening Come TB, Blue top, Yellow bottom
Lest We Forget, TB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Let Me At 'Em OGB, AB, height 28" (71 cm), Bright Pink, BJ, have 2 of them
Lights of Arabia AB, 1/2, OGB, Yellow Rotted
Limbo Rock, AB, Red, MidAm
Limonada IB, Yellow Schreiners
Line Drive IB, RE, Purple Plicata, 2-d Sutton

Life SDB, Eagle rotted/dried from the very beginning
Little Annie SDB, Wine
Little Chestnut SDB, Eagle
Little Fire Cracker , SDB, Eagle
Little Big Horn IB, Yellow-Brown
Little Episode SDB, Purple
Little Love Song, SDB, Purple Plicata, Sisters bonus, see Dither and Droid
Little Mary Sunshine BB, Yellow, есть этикетка
Little Pinkabloo BB, Pink
Little Stitches SDB, RE, Purple Plicata
Little Licious TB, Purple Veins, iris4you

Local Color TB, Purple Bicolor
Local Hero IB, Yellow
Local Ocean TB, Schreiners

Lone Wolf, TB, Neglecta, Lauer, Bonus
Lord Of The Night, TB, Black, Sutton
Lothario TB, DCr
Lording It, TB, Yellow top, Black bottom, BJ Died
Loudmouth AB, 1/4, OGB-, Wine
Love Street, BB, White top, Yellow bottom, RE, 'Waiting for October' X 'Struck Twice', Bonus, Lauer
Love Life IB, pink plicata, MidAm, gift
Love Continues TB, RE Pink, Breezeway
Los Coyotes TB, C&T
Lotta Lace TB, Steve Kelly, Adobe Iris Garden Dried in summer, See Horton
Love Unlimited SDB, Yellow, Rick Tasco
Low Rider, IB, Black, BJ
Louisa's Song, TB, Gardengalusa
Lucky Dragon AB, 1/4, OGB-, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom), Tall
Lu's Child, AB, DCr

Luminate TB, Purple bonus Sisters, Rotted
Luminaire SDB, Wine
Lumistreak IB, MidAm

Lyrique BB, Lavender-Wine, 2-d, BJ + Tina, see 3-d, C&T

Madeleine Grace IB, Blue, DDI. Stops blooming when overgrown, vigorous

Magic Man TB, Light Blue top, Purple bottom
Magic Quest BB, Yellow-Brown Plicata, Stout 2-d?
Magic Wish, TB, Pink-Beige, Tina

Main Street TB, White top, Black bottom, Superstition
Man's Best Friend IB, Amoena (Off-White top, Brown bottom)
Mango Smoothy BB, Peach
Many Mahalos IB, RE, Orange, Atkien's

Marabout RB-, AIS
Maria Tormena, TB, Pink broken, Maple Creek Daylilies
Mariposa Skies, TB, RE, Blue-Purple Bicolor, see Best Bet
Mariposa Wizard IB, RE, Blue-Purple Bicolor

Marksman SDB, Orange
Martian Sunset TB, Steve Kelly, Adobe Iris Garden
Marshmallow Skies TB, MidAm
Maroon Bells BB, Wine
Maglissa, SDB
Matinee Queen 1/4 AB, Tasco
Magnificent Obsession AB, 1/4, OGB-, Willow BF
Magical Night TB, see Ninja Warrior MidAm 2-d
Masada's Glory AB, 3/4, OGB+, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom), 2-d, BJ
Masai Warrior TB, DDI
Matador's Cape SDB, Wine Rotted
Matt McNames TB, Black-Purple Bitone C&T, Tina
Maroon Minaret Ab, 1/4 MidAm
Maui Sunrise SDB, Yellow-Orange, see at,
Maui Wowie TB, iris4you
Mean Mr. Mustard, AB, OGB+, 29" (74cm), BJ
Mean Streak TB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Mendacity TB, Rockytop
Medal of Honor TB, MidAm
Men In Black TB, Black
Menehune SDB, Black-Wine
Mer de Sud TB, Blue C&T Rotted after rainy winter
Merlin's Magic AB, AR, %-?, Pink, Tall, see Tribesman
Merry Mulberry, BB, Pink, MidAm
Miss Nellie BB, Eagleridge
Micro Burst IB, Pink
Michigan Pride TB, old stock

Midnight Caper TB, Breezeway
Midnight Majesty TB, Blue-Purple Mislabeled, Tina
Midnight Oil, TB, 2 times, Sutton + Nebraska
Midnight Passion TB, Sisters - ? some died. Increase?
Midnight Seas TB, Purple-Wine Bitone
Midnight Sharp IB, Black
Midnight Toccata, TB, Purple bicolor, Horton
Midnight Treat TB, RE, Purple
Midnight Run, IB, Sutton
Midnight Ice, IB, Sutton
Midnight Voyage TB, Sutton

Midsummer Night's Dream IB, RE, Purple Mislabeled
Midsummer's Eve BB, RE, Peach Pink Removed
Miles Of Smiles IB, Yellow - check where it grows
Mini Champagne BB, RE, Amoena (White top, Orange bottom)
Minidragon, SDB, Stout died very fast
Minimango SDB, Aitken's
Milk In My Coffee, TB, Sisters
Millennium Falcon TB, Schreiner's
Mme Henry Cayeux - not real, TB, DCr
Mighty Power TB, brown, Sutton
Might Explode SDB, MidAm

Miss Mauve IB, Pink
Miss Piggy TB, Wine Bitone, see an Masai Warrior

Mister Three Wiggle TB, Blue Bitone,
Mockingjay TB, Aitken's
Moment In the Sun AB, Tasco. Looks bad See C&T
Moonglade IB, DD, see Oblivion
Morgan, SDB, Eagle
Mordor, SDB, Stout
Morning Hues, SDB, Tasco
Mulligan IB, RE, Yellow
Mutineer IB, Yellow top, Wine bottom + 1
My One and Only SDB, Purple
Mystic Image, TB, Yellow-Red 2-?, Tasco
Mystical Sunshine TB, Yellow-Red, Tasco
Mystery Man TB, Keith Keppel
My Gal, BB, Pale Pink bonus, MidAm. See Wild,

Nassau Blue SDB, Light Blue
Naughty Nights TB, Purple-Wine 2-d, Tina,
Navajo Velvet AB, 1/2 OGB, 28" (71 cm), Yellow top, brown bottom C&T. DCr
Negra Modelo SDB, RE, Purple
Nelly Tardivier, TB, France, see Dakota Smoke at C&T
Netizen TB, Keith Keppel + 1 from Sisters
Nicolina SDB, Pink, Aitken's
Nineveh AB, OB-, height 30" (76 cm), Early, Willow Bend Farm
Nestucca Rapids TB, Light Blue
New Vision AB, 1/2, OGB, Pink top, Red-Brown bottom, tall

Ninja Warrior, TB, MidAm
Night Attack TB, Black, BJ

Night Halo, IB, Yellow top, Red bottom, see Flashinator, Breezeway
Night Moves TB, Wine Bitone
Night Navigator TB, Wine
Night Ruler, TB, Black, Schreiner
Nights Of Gladness, TB, Nebraska Mislabeled - ? Check
Night Whispers TB, Wine, MidAm
Not Of This World AB 1/4, (OGB-), 26" (66 cm), Tasco $20
Night Owl, TB, Exline bonus, lookd bad, dry
Noble Gesture TB, Purple-Black
Noble Knight TB, Show
Noble Heritage TB, Sisters white top, orange bottom
Noble Warrior AB, 1/2, OGB, height 33" (84 cm), White top, Yellow bottom, Tasco, see Dragon's Eye
Northwest Progress, Purple bicolor, Tina
Nosferatu SDB, Wine
Nook And Cranny, IB, Stout

Nova AB, 1/2, OGB $30, Lavender top, Rusty-Red bottom
No Restraint IB, Eagle Ridge

Oasis Root Beer, BB, Brown specks, BJ. Rotted over rainy winter
Oblivion IB, Luminata, Breezeway
Ocelot TB, Iris Oasis
Octave AB, 1/4, OGB-, Lavender

October Dreaming TB, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Orange bottom). Low vigour
October Splendor BB, RE, Pink-Peach
October Storm IB, RE, Purple-Black

OddBall Curiosity LA
Ode To Kalifa AB, 1/4, OGB-, 16" (41 cm), lavender-yellow self
Oklahoma Bandit, IB, Yellow-Red, Seandel
On Fire SDB, Breezeway
On Golden Pond, IB, Yellow, Stout
Oh Carol, Pink, RE, Superstition
Oh My, SDB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Oh Wow, SDB, MidAm
Olive Windows TB, Amoena (Off-White top, Off-Yellow bottom), Sisters
Old Fashioned Girl AB, 1/4, OGB-, 30" (76 cm), White-Bordeaux
Old Black Magic TB, Historic, BBHaven
Oklahoma Bandit IB, Willow BF

Omar the Tentmaker AB, 1/4, OGB-, Lavender top, Yellow bottom
Omar's Eye AB, 1/2, OGB, 8" (20 cm), lavender-purple self, Seandel
Omar's Gold AB, 1/4, OGB-, 18" (46 cm), white top, yellow bottom + 1 2023 from Plant Shack
Omar's Stitchery AB, 1/2, OGB, 16" (41 cm), lavender veins over white self
Omar's Torch AB, 1/4, OGB-, Purple

On The Web AB, 1/2, OGB, Pink veines Rotted over rainy winter
One More Night, TB, Black Horton
Open Ocean TB, RE, Light Blue
Optic Overload TB, Tasco Rotted over rainy winter, sold out, 2-d Bee Haven

Orca, IB, Shreiner's
Oreo, TB, Sisters - died over rainy winter. See
One That I Want, TB, bonus, MidAm, see Oreo
Orageux IB, Yellow top, Wine bottom, 2-d did not make in storage, 3-d did not make in storage, 2-d
Minimum order is $30 plus handling and shipping
Orange Harvest TB, RE, Orange
Orange Music, TB, Sisters
Orange Piecrust BB, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Orange bottom)

Othmani AB, 1/2, OGB - dark bordeaux! Died 2-d year $5

Out Loud BB, Yellow top, Red bottom, Stout, see Magic Quest 2-d, 1-st rotted
Outcaste TB, White top, Orange bottom, Atkien's
Outspoken SDB, Wine, 2 times bought
Outside The Lines TB, Tasco

Ozark Rebounder TB, Atkien's
Oyez, AB (OGB diploid), BJ + C&T, 3-th DC

Pagan Dance TB, RE, Purple-Pink
Pagan Princess TB, Bluebird, Pink Historic. Rotted over summer
Parable AB, 1/4, OGB-, Purple-Pink Stout. 2-d one. Fussy.F
Parviam Gold AB 1/2, (OGB), 25" (63.5 cm), AIS
Pashtun Princess AB, (RB-), 36" (92 cm), Yellow-Red, AIS + Tasco
Pashtun Nightfall RB-, AIS
Pashtun Grace, AB (RB-), 31" (80 cm), Early-Mid, White top, Bright Pink bottom, BlueJ Rotted over rainy winter
Panshiri Charm AB, RB-, 30" (76 cm), AIS
Pastel Printanier, TB, France Pale blue, should be gift Discarded
Patchwork Puzzle TB, SJ
Paint Pots, SDB - ? died over summer
Panic Attack, AB, Pink-Lilac, MidAm
Painted Caravans, TB, Sisters, bicolor, bonus
Parting Glances, IB, Stout, Eagle Ridge
Patricia Claire, TB
Passing Fancy AB, 1/2, OGB, Brown
Paul Black TB, Purple 2-d, MidAm
Peanut Butter And Honey, SDB, Atkien's
Peaceful Living TB, Show
Peggy Ann TB, Sutton
Peggy Sue TB, RE, Light Salmon Pink
Peekaboo Zebu TB, C&T
Petite Woman SDB, MidAm
Penninah's Provocation AB, 1/2, OGB, 24" (61 cm), lilac top, pink-yellow bottom. See Dubai, Egyptian Queen, Smokin' Hot
Petalpalooza, TB, new bicolor, Shreiner's
Peresh AB, 1/2, OGB, 1/4, OGB-, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Brown bottom)
Perpetual Indulgence SDB, RE, Amoena (White top, Orange bottom)
Perfect Look SDB, MidAm

Persian Padishah AB, 3/4, OGB+, Lavender
Persian Passion AB, 1/4, OGB-, Pink, MidAm
Persian Version AB, 1/4, OGB-, Yellow-White, Stout
Persian Sapphire AB, 1/4, OGB-, Yellow-Brown, 3-d, small, BlueJ
Persian Raspberry AB, 1/2, OGB, AIS, bonus
Persian Berry TB, Blue Bird Haven

Pharaoh's Host AB 1/2, AIS
Pink Attraction TB, RE, Light Salmon Pink, 2-d, BJ
Pink Blitz IB, Pale Pink, Sisters bonus
Pink Empress IB, Light Salmon Pink
Pink Kitten IB, Pink
Pink Marble, AB, 1/4, bright, old. Dried over sumeer, planted late and was a small rhizome
Pink Reprise BB, RE, Light Salmon Pink
Pirate's Ransom, AB, 1/2, Pink-Red, MidAm
Piercing The Darkness TB, iris4you

Pixie Power SDB, Purple Stout 2-d + AIS
Plum Wine SDB, RE, Wine
Playing Our Song TB, Robin
Plot Thickens TB, MidAm, see Class Ring
Poignant SDB, Pink
Point Well Taken, AB, OGB, 28" (71 cm), White-Red
Pointed Remark TB, Sutton 2-d, pink
Polynesian Honey AB, 1/4, OGB-, 26" (66 cm), yellow top, brown bottom. See Hot Buttered Rum. Looks bad after dry summer. Planted late in winter
Portland Pink SDB, Salmon, late bloomer. Sold out at
Pogo Doll, OGB-, AB, height 16" (41 cm), (Lavender top, Yellow bottom), see Zizah, BJ
Pounce AB, 1/4, OGB-,
Power Of Suggestion TB, Sutton
Prague TB, Peach top, Wine bottom
Prairie Thunder AB, 1/4, OB- ? Lavender, 2-d, BJ
Private First Class SDB, Brown, Blue beards
Private Matters TB, Sutton
Prissy Christy TB, SJ

Pro News, OGB+, AB, 30" (76 cm), BJ, Pink-Lavender
Prom Dress TB, Pink, Sutton + Nebraska
Promises Promises IB, Yellow, RE, Winterberry Mislabeled
Protocol IB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom) 2-d one, Tina
Proud Tradition TB, Neglecta (Light Blue top, Blue bottom), See Best Bet
Provencial - no such iris, there is Provençal TB, Yellow-Brown plicata
Prison Stripes MTB, bonus MidAm died after dry spring
Psychedelic Dreams SDB, Yellow-Blue, Nebraska + Stout. See
Pugzilla SDB, Yellow bright, died, Nebraska, 2-d
Pulsator SDB, Purple, Sisters
Pumpin' Iron SDB, Wine - check where it grows
Pumpkin Cheesecake TB, Amoena (White top, Orange bottom) - 2 times
Pumpkin Pie Ala Mode, Sisters + MidAm
Purple Petite, MTB, Atkien's
Purple Marble TB, Sutton
Pure As Gold TB, RE, Schreiners
Punctuation TB, MidAm
Pyzon AB (1/4), 28" (71 cm), Red, AIS

Pussycat Pink SDB, Breezeway
Pussycat Eyes AB, 1/4, OGB-,

Quantum Light TB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom)
Quite Content TB, Blue top, Purple bottom 2-d, Willow BF, 3-d SJ
Queen Of Darkness, SDB, MidAm Rotted over rainy winter
Queen's Circle TB, bonus
Qumran Canary Ab, OGB+, 28" (71 cm), yellow top, C&T
Radiance Returns SDB, RE, blue, Schreinersgardens

Raspberry Blush, IB, Pink, Breezeway
Raspberry Shocker MTB, Schreiners
Raspberry Ripples TB, Blue Bird Haven
Raisin In the Sun, AB, Yellow, MidAm

Rim Of Fire TB, Sutton rotted over summer
Rimaround IB, Atkien's
Ragtop Day TB, RE, Amoena (White top, Purple bottom), Schreiners
Rare Breed AB, 1/2, OGB, White top, Brown bottom, Tasco
Raven Girl, TB, Sisters
Reckless Abandon, TB, MidAm Rotted over rainy winter
Reckless Child, TB Keith Keppel
Reality Check TB, Orange top, Wine veined bottom, 2-d Bonus-?
Reality Road TB, SJ
Reincarnation TB, Exline Mislabeled
Reboot SDB, RE, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Purple bottom)
Red Ahead, AB, MidAm
Red Moon Rising AB 3/4, Tasco
Red Skies TB, Iris Oasis
Red Eye Flight, AB, 1/4, OGB-, MidAm - ? Label around
Red Hot Chili, IB, Sutton 3-d, 4-th Atkien's Dried before/at the planting
Red Zinger IB, RE, Wine
Red Heart SDB, Eagle
Reddy Freddie, SDB, Red, Nebraska
Reddy Set
Refiner's Fire, 1/2 OGB, 26" (66 cm), see Sheik, AIS
Refosco AB, DCr
Reincarnation TB, Pink, RE C&T Mislabeled
Rise Like A Phoenix, TB, Yellow-Red, MidAm
Riddler SDB, MidAm
Replicator SDB, RE, Purple, see
Repeat The Blues, SDB, RE, blue, Schreinersgardens
Revved Up Rose IB, Pink, Winterberry
Rio Rojo TB, Ripple
Ridgecrest BB, almost Amoena (White top, Purple bottom) 2-d
Ripple And Flow TB, Pink-Lavender self, substitute for Dippity Do, they don't have it. Stout
Rocket Red TB, BBHaven
Romantic Evening TB, Lilac Lavender top, Black-Wine bottom
Russian River TB, Schreiner's bonus
Rosalie Figge TB, RE Dark Purple
Rosalie Loving SDB, RE, Amoena (White top, Yellow-Red bottom)
Rosy Celebration AB, 1/2, OGB, 32" (81 cm), Tasco
Rose Of Sharon, OGB, AB, 28" (71 cm), BJ. Died after hot dry summer
Royal Flame AB, 1/2, OGB, 31" (79 cm), Tasco
Royal Sparks SDB, Purple
Royalaz IB, Purple bicolor, tiny, Tina, confusing with Rozaye
Royalty Remembered TB, Sisters
Roz IB, yellow-red, Breezeway
Rozaye SDB, Peach (Dark Salmon) Pink, blue beards, confusing with Royalaz. 1 in a pot died over summer. Have one in the frontyard.
Road Rage SDB yellow MidAm
Rubitano SDB, Eagle
Ruby Red Dress TB, Wine
Ruby Slippers IB, Wine check where it grows
Ruby Wilson BB, Wine, 2-d, BJ, Rotted
Ruffled Goddess TB, Willow BF
Runway AB, 1/4, OGB-, almost Amoena (White-Lavender top, Yellow bottom), Sutton, 2-d
Rum Is The Reason, TB, Rockytop
Rum and Coke, TB, Show
Rustic Charm, TB, Show

Sable Night TB, Historic, almost Black 2-d Willow BF Rotted over rainy winter 2-d Breezeway
Saffron Jewel RB-, AB, 28" (71 cm), AIS
Sanaa Rose, AB, 1/2, OGB, Pink, Tasco, 2-d AIS
Sailing At Dawn AB, 1/4, OGB-, Peach top, Red bottom
Sajjetta AB, 1/4, OGB-, Lavender top, Red bottom 2021. Died over summer. Rotted?
Sambuca TB, Black
Sand Dancer AB, 1/2, OGB, Brown veins over yellow, Tall. Vigorous
Sandthorn AB (RB-), 1/4, 32" (81 cm), Mid bloom. Yellow-blue
Sandflush AB, OGB, 1/2, 24" (61 cm) see Genetic Artist
Saracen Cinnamon AB, 1/4, OGB-, 23" (58 cm), dirty yellow, Seandell, died. 2-d C&T
Saturn TB, Wine Iris Oasis, see
Saphir Jaune, TB, France, see Sergey
Sailor's Warning TB, Willow BF
Sassy Senorita, IB, Pink, MidAm, Gift
Sassy Li'l Brat IB, MidAm yellow-red
Scarab AB, 1/4, OGB-, Aitken's
Schoolboy Heart TB, Pink
Scorching Summer TB, Yellow top, Wine bottom - Can't Find
Secret Service TB, Yellow top, Black bottom Secret - 3 times, 4-th DDI
Secret Passion TB, Tasco
Searing Embers SDB, Breezeway
Sea of Darkness TB, Tasco, bonus
Season Ticket - ?, IB, BJ + Seandel. Check. One died. See
Seasons In The Sun TB, MidAm
Senor Jinx, TB, Black,
Sergey TB, Tasco
Serene Lady TB, Pink

Shadows Of Night, TB, Dark Purple, Tasco
Shadows Cast, IB, Shreiner's
Shaman's Magic AB, 1/2, OGB yellow-orange, bright $7
Shannon Hiatt TB, Steve Kelly, Adobe Iris Garden
Sharp Dressed Man TB, Black-Purple, 2-d, Tasco, Schreiners see
Sharpshooter TB, Neglecta (Pale Lilac Lavender top, Purple-Wine bottom)
Shifting Gears TB, Keith Keppel
She Devil AB, 1/4, OGB-, Wine 2021 2-d Mislabeled
Shenanigan BB, Pink, Tina
She Devil AB 1/2, AB 14" (36 cm), AIS
Sheba's Beauty, AB, 1/4, OGB-, 16" (41 cm), Blue top, Wine bottom, Seandell, 2-d C&T
Sheba's Jewel AB, 1/2, OGB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom) 2-d, DCr
Sheer Excitement BB, Veined Purple
Sheer Ecstasy TB, Pink, C&T Rotted over summer
Squid Squirt TB, SJ
Sheik AB, 1/2, OGB, Lavender top, Wine bottom, 2-d, BJ
Sheila Van Hook TB, Purple-Black
Shabaza AB, 1/4, OGB-, 14" (36 cm), Pink, RE, 2-d, C&T + Aitken's
Shahbada AB, 1/4, OGB-, (1/4), 24" (60 cm), AIS
Sheriffa AB, 1/4, OGB-, Wine
She's Lovely, TB, pale salmon-pink, bonus, Sisters
Sinister Desire IB Rotted over rainy winter
Sissy Pants, SDB, Stout
Sixteen Candles IB, BJ
Sizzle AB, 1/4, OGB-, 15" (38 cm), Pink, C&T -? Mislabeled-?
Shimmy Shake AB, 1/4, 16" (41 cm),
Shocker, TB, MidAm, see Honorable Lord
Sicilian Orange TB, Sutton looks bad, 2-d

Sierra Sunrise BB, Tasco
Signal Butte AB, 1/4, OGB-, Purple-Pink, if lost - see Can't find
Signal Freud, AB, 1/2, OGB, 14"-16", White top, Yellow bottom
Silver Streak, TB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Silent Sentry AB, 1/2, OGB, almost Amoena (Pale Lavender top, Yellow bottom)
Silken Shadows TB, Neglecta (Light Blue top, Blue Black Purple bottom)
Skies Always Blue, AB, OGB+, 24" (61 cm), AIS
Sir Knight TB, Historic, BBHeaven
Sky and Sun TB, Light Blue, Horton
Sleazy AB (RB-), 33" (84 cm) AIS
Small Margin SDB, Yellow top, Red bottom, see Exclaim, Sisters
Smell the Roses SDB, RE, Blue, 2-d, DDI
Smoke With Wine AB, OGB-, 12" (30 cm), Brown self, BJ
Smokin' Hot AB, OGB, 1/2, Pink, MidAm
Snappy Dresser, TB lilac, Schreiners
Snow Melt TB, RE, old stock
Social Graces TB, Pink, Nebraska
So Far So Good TB, Tasco, see Gem
So Noted, SDB, MidAm
Sole Survivor BB, Amoena (White top, Purple bottom) BlueJ died, Horton
Sooner Serenade TB, Horton Rotted over rainy winter, 2-d (Horton)
Sonoran Sands IB, Eagleridge

Solomon's Court AB, 1/2, OGB, Pink-Wine
Solomon's Glory AB, 1/4, OGB-, Yellow 2021 2-d
Some Velvet Morning, AB, 1/4 OGB-, 28", Pink-Wine, AIS, 2-d Cascadia

Song At Dawn TB, Yellow-White
Sunny Honey, IB, Tina, substitute
Sunny Dawn, IB, Yellow self, bright beard, BlueJ
Some Like It Hot, TB, Maple Creek Daylilies
Sunglasses Needed TB, Steve Kelly, Adobe Iris Garden
Sonja's Selah BB, Amoena (White top, Pink bottom) 2-d, Tina
Soul Singer TB, Purple (Sisters) New
Souvenir De Lawrence AB, can't find info, Tasco. Died over dry summer
Spades TB, really black, Horton
Sparkling IB, Purple, Breezeway
Space Race TB, MidAm Rotted over rainy winter
Speckled Bird, AB, TB, Pink dots, BJ Died
Spiced Custard, TB, Yellow Bicolor
Spiced Up, TB, Yellow Broken color, Sutton
Spices At Dusk AB 1/4, AIS
Spiced Tiger TB, BBHaven Dried in spring, small rhizome
Spice Trader TB, Schreiners
Spiderman SDB, Eagleridge
Spilt Milk AB 1/4, MidAm
Spirit of Caleb AB, 1/2, OGB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom), 2-d, C&T
Spirit of Memphis TB, BBHaven
Spirited SDB, RE, Yellow, Blue Beard
Splatter Matters TB, Horton + SJ
Splendid Spring TB, Pink, 2-d, Horton Mislabeled, 2-d
Splat IB, BlueJ
Splashacata TB, Show

Star Appeal TB, Pink Schreiners
Start the Show, TB Pink Broken, Variegated foliage Petalswings
Star in the Night IB, Dark Blue
Starring TB, Amoena (White top, Wine bottom)
Stairway To Heaven, TB Tona Henderson + 1 bonus from schreiners
Starwoman IB, Purple Plicata, 2-d, BlueJ + DDI, at least 1 Died
Straight Burgundy IB, C&T Rotted over rainy winter

Stay Stylish TB, Blue top, Yellow bottom see Grande Coquette
Stolon Ginger AB, 1/2, RB, 13" Interm, Blue-Pink
Stop And Stare SDB, Sisters

Storm Rider TB, Wine Bicolor (Bitone), 2-d bonus-? Tasco, 3-d
Stormbird IB, Yellow top, Red bottom 2-d, Atkien's
Storm Song IB, Purple, small, Tina

Strawberry Love IB, Pink, Tina
Strawberry Freeze TB, Pink, Iris Oasis bonus + SJ
Study in Black TB, Black. 2-d from BBHaven
Strut TB, C&T, very small, see (was sold out)
Style Maker TB, Sutton via FB + Sutton

Summer Radiance TB, RE, Yellow
Summer Sunburst TB, RE Cascadia
Summer Shadow TB, Horton - see Rim of Fire
Sunset Craze AB, RB-, 34" (86 cm), see Afrosaib
Sunset Boulevard TB, Sisters
Sun Devil TB, Schreiners
Sun And Snow RE, AB, 1/4, OGB- $22 (2018 introduction), Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom)
Sun Spirit MTB, Orange
Sunflight AB, 1/4, RB-, Yellow-Brown BJ +
Sunny Dawn, IB, BJ
Superstition TB, Black + 2-d Exline, looks bad
Superhero TB, Horton
Supermanuel TB, BlueBird Haven
Supreme Sultan, TB Tona Henderson
Suspect AB, 1/4, OGB-, Purple-Pink, 2-d, BJ + Stout. From BJ is mislabeled
Sweet Honey, TB, MidAm, see Pumpkin Pie
Sweet Devotion SDB, Purple speckles with bright beard, Sisters bonus
Sword Of Gold, AB (OGB), 27" (69 cm), (Light Blue top, Brown bottom), BJ See Honey Not Tonight
Syncopation TB, Blue Bird Haven

Table For Two TB, Tina
Taffeta Bow TB, Willow BF
Talking Smack MTB, Dark Red, MidAm
Tagline TB, Yellow top, White bottom, Ghio, new - dies, 2-d Rockytop
Tantara SDB, brown, blue beard, C&T
Taranis TB, MidAm
Tarahumara AB, 1/2, OGB, Howard Dash
Tempting Fate TB, Neglecta (Light Blue top, Blue Black Purple bottom), see Habit, 2-d, Tina
Temporal Anomaly TB, Show rotted over rainy winter. Rick has it along with STREAKING SKIES and Under My Spell 2-d Tasco
Textronics Unclear: white-purple bicolor or magenta self
Third World SDB, RE, Wine, 2-d died
Think About It TB, Schreiners
This and That IB, Purple, Breezeway
Things To Come, AB, OGB+, 3/4, 22" (56 cm). Looks like RB, (Lavender top, Rusty bottom), BJ
Threatening, IB, Light blue, Breezeway
Thrice Blessed SDB, RE, Yellow
Thunder Eagle SDB, RE, Yellow top, Red bottom, BlueJ
Thunder Spirit TB, Purple, Tina Mislabeled, new
Timely Kiss BB, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Orange bottom) 2-d one. Fussy
Time to Shine, SDB, DDI Discarded
Tiger Honey TB, Schreiners + Maple Creek Daylilies
Tink BB, BJ
Tina Louise BB, Bordeaux, Winterberry
Tiny Beacon MDB, White top, Purple bottom, Atkien's
Tiny Pirate AB, 1/2, OGB, Light Purple
Toll Gate TB, BBHaven
Total Darkness TB, Black, BJ
Toronto TB, MidAm - ? Have a label around
Tohu Bohu IB, Stout
Tour de France TB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom) Was Schreiner, have
Treasure Trader TB, Sisters
Troll Road, SDB, Stout
Trouble BB, Pink, Breezeway
Troublemaker SDB, Yellow top, Red Bottom, 2-d Stout
Trescols Eclipse AB, 3/4, OGB+ $12, almost Amoena (Off-White top, Off-Pink bottom), 2-d, C&T
Tribesman AB, 1/2, OGB, Pink, Tall, see Merlin's Magic, 2-d, C&T Mislabeled
Tribute to Rex AB, 1/2, OGB, almost Amoena (Lavender top, Yellow bottom)
Tribute To Tom, AB (OGB), 28" (71 cm) (Lavender top, Pink bottom), BJ
Trimmed Velvet MDB, RE Eagleridge
Triple Dip TB, RE, Amoena-Variegata (Yellow-White top, Purple-Wine bottom)
Tripod, IB, died, BJ

True Patriot, TB, Rockytop
True Navy SDB, Eagleridge
Tul Kerem AB, 3/4, OGB+, 24" (61 cm), bright blue self
Turkish Topaz AB, RH-?, Yellow-Brown, 2-d or 3-d, AIS
Topaz Talisman AB (RB). 10" (25 cm), AIS
Turkish Tangent AB, DCr
Tucumcari TB, Keith Keppel. Looks bad. Rotted over summer in a big pot. No roots.
Twice Told TB, RE, Yellow top, Red Bottom, 2-d, C&T
Twilight Blaze TB, Lavender 2-d-?, Tina 3-d Horton
Twilight Tear TB, Horton
Tyrian Treasure SDB, Sutton

Ulalena AB, 1/4, OGB-, RE, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom) Removed. Does not rebloom
Ultimate SDB, Variegata (Yellow top, Red Bottom), 2-d, Nebraska
Up To Snuff IB, Amoena (White top, Yellow bottom)
Unclaimed Treasure, AB, OGB, BJ
Under My Spell TB, Tasco
Underlined TB, Keith Keppel
Untamed World TB, SJ
Unstained TB, Sisters white. Rotted over winter, not even rainy

Valentino TB, Red, Tina
Valor TB, BlueBird Haven
Vampirina SDB, Eagle
Valley Of Dreams TB, Orange Amoena (Pale Lavender top, Orange bottom)
Vavoom SDB, Bitone Yellow Amoena
Veiled Intruder AB, 3/4, OGB+, Purple veins
Velvet Dragon, SDB, Red, Breezeway Dried out
Velvet Echo SDB, RE, Purple C&T + Sisters, 2-d one. Fussy
Velvet Dusk TB, BBHaven
Venusian SDB, Orange-Red Plicata Rotted over rainy winter
Vera-Anne, AB, 1/2 RB, 18" (46 cm), Yellow, see Sandthorn, AIS
Vienna Waltz TB, DCr
Vintner TB, Wine Bitone

Violet Moon IB, RE, Purple 2-d one. Fussy, Sisters 3-d Atkien's
Violet Storm AB, 1/4, OGB, RE, 22" Tall, see Parable
Violet Turner TB, Violet Bicolor
Vigilante TB, Schreiners
Vintage Charm TB, Schreiners,

Visiting Royalty TB, Pink-Wine Bicolor, see I'm Back. If lost
Visitor's Choice, OGB, AB, 28" (71 cm), White top, Yellow bottom, BJ Mislabeled
Vibrato TB, Horton (Lesley Painter, got it instead of splendid Spring)
Visigoth, TB, Black, DDI
Visual Intrigue TB, park bicolor, Broley Homestead
Vivid Dream AB, 1/2, OGB, Lavender top, Red bottom
Volunteer Fireman, AB, 1/4 OGB-, 20" (51 cm), Old, AIS (BlueJ)
Volcanic Glow, TB, Red Luminata 2-d iris4you
Vulcan Sun TB, Howard Dash

Wabash TB, Schreiners
Waiting for October BB, RE, almost Amoena (White top, Orange bottom), Rotted
Wampun (registered Wampunm) IB, Red, Breezeway
Wanda Rezac TB, Yellow top, Purple bottom
War Chief TB, Red 2-d Petalswings + Exline
Warrior Prince AB, 1/4, OGB-, Purple-Pink, 2-d, Tasco
What's Up, TB, Keith Keppel

Wearing Rubies TB, Nebraska
Werckmeister's Beauty AB, 1/2, AR, Pink, Interm

Western Edge TB, Yellow-Pink
Western Sage IB, Pink, Breezeway
Western Outlaw TB, Keith Keppel

What Again SDB, RE, Purple top, Yellow bottom, 2-d Nebraska, check
What's New Pussycat BB, Yellow
White Noise AB 1/2, (OGB), 30" (76 cm), Tasco, $35
Who's Your Daddy TB, Purple-Wine Bitone
Whoopsidaisy BB, Pink
Whoop 'Em Up BB, Yellow top, Red bottom, BlueJ, C&T, 3-d DCr
Wonderful To See TB, Horton

Wild Passions SDB
Wild Streak TB, broken Petalswings Dried in summer 2-d from MidAm
Wild Wings TB, Purple Bitone, BJ, if loose - Two Litle Acres at FB,
Wildside Walk TB, SJ by Burdseen
WildCat Cha Cha, BB, Yellow top, Red bottom, MidAm
Witch Way IB, brown plicata, MidAm

Winesap TB, RE, Wine
Wine And Lilac, AB, OGB, BJ
Winterberry TB, RE, Dark Pink, Tasco
Winter Flame TB, BBHaven Rotted over summer. 2-d
Wise Wish, TB, see Fashion Diva, Stout
Wise Woman TB BlueJ
Witching TB, almost Amoena (Pale Lavender top, Yellow bottom) see Fatal Attraction, C&T. Mislabeled. See See Shulamit Rymberg
Wicked Good TB, MidAm

Witch's Wand TB, Black-Violet

Wizard's Return SDB, RE, Purple, 2-d, C&T

Whose Line Is It BB, White top, Blue bottom, bonus from Sutton
Wrangler, IB, Pink, Seandel
Woody Woodpecker SDB, MidAm

Xerxes AB, 1/2, OGB, Pale Lavender top, Yellow bottom, Tasco. Finicky, no increase in 2 years

Yosemite Nights TB, Black, 2-d, Tina
Yosemite Star TB, RE, Purple

Young Blood IB, Wine 2-d, BJ, looks bad
You're So Veined, TB, Tasco
Yoda SDB, Stout
Yoruba SDB, Eagle Dried out
Your Turn IB, black, MidAm

Zebra Night TB, Petalswings variegated foliage
Zizah AB, 3/4, OGB+, Pale Lavender top, Yellow-Red bottom, 1 died, 2-d AIS, bonus from Seandel
Ziggy TB, Petalswings
Zing Me, IB, Brown, Breezeway
Zipporah's Beauty AB, 3/4, OGB+, 22-26" (56-66 cm), Lavender top, Yellow-Brown bottom, AIS, from BlueJ Rotted over rainy winter
Zumba, IB, Red broken color, Breezeway. 1 rotted
Zia Sunshine TB, Howard Dash

Zooboomafoo SDB, Variegata (Yellow top, Red Bottom),,

Ordered, did not arrive: Better Together, TB, White top, black bottom. Modesto

Iris borer map
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