xchippiex - that icon, i LOVE IT! Can ya have it saying... Kristina <3 ! omg u guys are the best!! My info is bananababiixi1@aol.com and lj: Shiningstarbabe! all credit will be gaven! =)
hey gyrlies, im sorry about the comment i posted before, i forgot to leave contact info =(. do you mind still making me an icon like sparkleemee's? how it had the different color blues and all that good stuff? but can you please change the names to kayla lovez shawn and the date 061002 thanks once agian + credit will be given!
i l0ve ur ic0nz !! i was w0nderin if u c0uld make me 0ne .. 2 Names-- MeLy `nD KeVin 2 Colors-- baby blue `nd black Animation: squares or stars?-- squares Anniversary-- 5/o5/o2 `nd then i want it t0 say .. "LeT`s MaKe iT LaSt f0rEvEr .."
Weee... those are perfect! But.. can you please put them into one icon and have them flash one after the other.. but like have the pics have enough time between the two so u can actually read it?
I love how they are right now, I just want all 5 in the SAME icon! Please and thank you :D
And full credit will be given RIGHT away!
[ ooo.. and for the ones like "I like corn".. since its smaller than a normal icon.. just put black behind it so it's the correct size.. :D]
Comments 33
blurty- kinky_qirl
e-mail- bootylicious9669@aol.com
2 Names-- MeLy `nD KeVin
2 Colors-- baby blue `nd black
Animation: squares or stars?-- squares
Anniversary-- 5/o5/o2
`nd then i want it t0 say .. "LeT`s MaKe iT LaSt f0rEvEr .."
i`ll make sure t0 give u credit f0r it !!
ujournal user name : sooinluvv
I love how they are right now, I just want all 5 in the SAME icon! Please and thank you :D
And full credit will be given RIGHT away!
[ ooo.. and for the ones like "I like corn".. since its smaller than a normal icon.. just put black behind it so it's the correct size.. :D]
-- k a t
Thanks so much Kat.. I [heart] IT!
hehe yay!
love love love
<3 Danielle
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