i want an icon
June 11 2003, 13:14:01 UTC
i want an icon dat sayz .... i think im in luvv wit u.... <---- with out those dotz .. well w/e .. i'd lyk it 2 be blu nd wit lil shiny stuff wit a blakk bakkground ... thanx .. Pe@ce out...... :D
heey yOu did a reallii qOod jOb on my icOn but i`d like tOo requeSt One fOr my friend jen .. her jOurnal is ujournal/~lil_jenibean .. i want it tOo b like tHa icOn yOu quyz made fOr bLurty user: emeewee .. cept in theSe twO colOrz .. #8610EA aNd #C680F2 .. make tHa firSt colOr ( #8610EA ) tHa bOrder .. itSz tHa darker of tHa twO colOrSz .. and have it say .. " i dOnt knO hOw tOo live withOut yOur lOve .. i waS bOrn tOo make yOu haPpy " yOu can make it animated like On twO slideSz or sOmethinq if tHat wouLd be eaSier .. and On tHa bOttom of it write /~lil_jenibean sOo nO wun can jOq it .. tHanx sOo muCh .. i`ll hav her qive prOpz .. <33jax .. Oo and my cOntaCt infO is peanutgrl88@msn.cOm .. xO
Hi hi, girls. I recently made a request here for two icons . . . one for me, and one for my friend, kataria. I hope I'm not double-posting, but I don't see my request anywhere--it's neither done with, nor is it in the list of requests still being worked on. I just wanted to make sure you ladies knew about my request. Thank you. :]
June 11 2003, 19:18:30 UTC
hey ur iconz are so cute. i love em... can u make me one that say
name::brittany n nate colorz: black dark purple and light purple can i have it have like 2 stars and swirls and i wasnt the names to fase into the word " forever" if that is confusing e-mail me
Comments 35
can u make me one that say
name::brittany n nate
colorz: black dark purple and light purple
can i have it have like 2 stars and swirls and i wasnt the names to fase into the word " forever" if that is confusing e-mail me
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