Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Sherlock - 1/4

Feb 27, 2012 10:12

Title: Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Sherlock - 1/4
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sherlock/John friendship
Word Count: 3,038
Disclaimer: Sherlock belongs to Auntie Beeb and Uncle Moff; Sherlock Holmes belongs to the world.
Crossover: Harry Potter
Warnings: none
Thanks: Many million thanks to my brilliant beta/Brit-pickers,
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sherlock, sherlock fanfic

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Comments 15

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qthebadwolf February 28 2012, 04:03:19 UTC
It's not exactly a sequel, as it does differ from WTBB in a few very small ways. But yeah, I hope it's at least a moderately worthy follow-up; I enjoyed the original so much. :)


velja February 28 2012, 05:08:21 UTC
Oh, I think it's a very worthy follow-up. You can't even tell it's two different authors who wrote it. So, yeah, love it. Can't wait to see what's in store for John and toddler Sherlock.
Oh, and please, could you make Sherlock's first words something John-related and cute? That would be lovely.


qthebadwolf February 28 2012, 06:27:06 UTC
...Possibly. :)


fatchickengirl February 27 2012, 20:20:21 UTC


qeedivertido February 27 2012, 21:25:43 UTC
god this is a lot of fun to read XD
I love it, can't wait to read the rest!
Thanks for sharing!


jennelldhalrbj February 27 2012, 22:54:15 UTC
I loved this. I have 8 kids and three of them are two year old Triplets. They can scream mightily too, all at the same time.


qthebadwolf February 28 2012, 03:59:51 UTC

Holy cats, woman, you must be Supermom! What vitamins do you take? *takes notes*


jennelldhalrbj February 28 2012, 10:03:43 UTC
I had that thing, whatever it's called, where you don't sleep and run about all the time, when I was a kid. As a result, I don't sleep much now, which is very useful.


solara_karrde February 27 2012, 23:35:07 UTC
Heeee, ooh Sherlock. You are going to owe Jonh so much!


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