Title: Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Sherlock - 4/4
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sherlock/John friendship
Word Count: 4,376
Disclaimer: Sherlock belongs to Auntie Beeb and Uncle Moff; Sherlock Holmes belongs to the world.
Crossover: Harry Potter
Warnings: none
Thanks: Many million thanks to my brilliant beta/Brit-pickers,
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Comments 22
Considering that I have a friend who has severe bipolar and ADHD on top of being an Aspie, I suspect that her mother would be able to give a few pointers to Mummy Holmes...
I think you've done an excellent job in keeping Sherlock IC even at biological age 2. And a brilliant job in portraying sensory problems in a toddler. Also the asymmetry problems. All in all, a fantastic work!
(Sorry for the lateness of my reply, btw...I've been away from LJ for a while and was drawn back by someone's attempts to steal parts of this story to put in their own, and seeing your lovely comment really brightened my day no end.) :)
It's awful someone is trying to steal your work! Thankfully, I've never had the personal experience of it.
As for the plagiarism: sweet victory! :D
Cos it's quite similar to yours and I'd hate for them to be plaigerising you.
Bless you, Anon. It is indeed suspiciously similar (though I'm gratified to see, not quite as good). ;) They even stole verbatim lines and everything.
If it's not too much to ask, I'd really appreciate it if you could report this: I just sent fanfiction.net a note myself, but the more people who point out the plagiarism, the better.
Either way, many, many million thanks again...it's so lovely to know that other fans have got your back when you nervously put your (raw, uncopyrighted) stories out there into the world. :)
Q, the very grateful animal
And yes, I also was happy to notice it wasn't as good as yours ;)
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