Title: Shadow - 2/2
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sherlock/John (sort of)
Word Count: 4,212
Disclaimer: Sherlock belongs to Auntie Beeb and Uncle Moff; Sherlock Holmes belongs to the world.
Spoilers: None, really.
Warnings: parental alcoholism, family dysfunction, death of a pet
Thanks: to my lovely beta/Britpickers
ilovewales ,
mountland, and
oncelikeshari ...all lingering mistakes are just me
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Comments 41
This was a really lovely story, good plotting and pacing and everything. :P
Thanks. ^^
The cat: I KNOW RIGHT?? I got very, very lucky on my image search, finding one that looked so much like Sherlock on the very first page. I think I had to find out what breeds had those trademark long faces and then hunt for a picture of a black one.
I admit, I do want to see wibbly!John at Reichenbach, yesindeedy. (Though I want to see fainty!John in "The Empty House" much, much more.) :)
I've never seriously considered reincarnation, but I love your quote from Baskervilles. The other day, my mother's half sister's daughter (my almost cousin whom I've never met because she was adopted out as a baby) changed her profile photo on Facebook. My parents both thought it was a photo of my daughter.
And yeah, I don't really believe in reincarnation either, but I do think it's a lovely idea.
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