pRequEL fRom Fushigi yuugi....^^
untiL nOw, tHis manga is stuck chapter 31
This has happened almost 5 months.
i don't know why....>.< but wE just cAn be patiEnce.
FusHigi yuUgi GenbU kAidEn
Alt. TitLe:
MysteRious pLay, The Legend of Genbu UnfoLds
Watase yuu
dRama, FantAsy, HistoricaL, RomAncE, sHoujO
wHen schooLgirL, Takiko Okuda attEmpts to dEstRoy her fatHeR's tRansLation of "The Universe of The Four Gods";
shE is instEad LiteralLy suckEd into thE stoRy, becOming the pRiestess of Genbu in an epic jouRnEy to find thE sEven ceLestiaL waRRioRs.
jouRnEy such as what which passed by takiko? can takiko gatheRed alL sEvEn ceLestiaL waRRioRs?
ch 01-03 l
ch 04-06 l
ch 07-09 l
ch 10-12 l
ch 12-15 l
ch 16-20ch 21-25 l
ch 26-31 DL (4shaRed):
voL 01 l
voL 02 l
voL 03 l
voL 04 l
voL 05 l
voL 06 l voL 07 l voL 08
cRedit 2 upLodeR
if a problem with the link,pLease Let me know.....tHanx^^