tHis sOng aRe veRy oftEn i ListenEd RecentLy(song fRom my Own cOuntRy)
woRds fRom tHis song, RealLy touch my heaRt.
LyRics(i tRansLAte in engLish):
u dOn't knOw hOw cRumbLy i was
as tHough tHin LayeR of fRozEn wAteR
sOft tOuch wilL dEstRoy mE
aLthough Love isn't peRfect,
cOme to mE immEdiateLy
i wAnt u to knOw hOw cRumbLy i wAs
u dOn't knOw hOw cRumbLy i was
stilL feeL wOund in thE pAst
i havE Love him w/ alL my heaRt
bUt tHat Love fLee
And i huRt...wOund impRint
the impRint cReate...foR me foReveR
and i aLways wilL be cRumbLy
u wAnt to sHow to tHe woRLd,
nOt onLy exist bcos the pASt
bUt theRe is stilL hopE foR a nEw
you offeR mE a milLiOn of hope,
bUt tHat memoRies aRe neveR Lost
i wAnt u to knOw hOw cRumbLy i wAs
u cOme Like tHe Rain
dAmpen LAnd heaRt
bUt u cAn seE youRseLf tHis wOund
4shaRed l
IDWS >>>(cRedit 2 undergod)
woRds fRom tHis song tHat i wAnt to telL to some1 i Like nOw...
"in tHe pAst, my heaRt wAs bRoken in piEcEs. bcos some1 i Love Leave me w/out ReasOn.
N nOw my heaRt stilL cRumbLy. so pLease sAve mE fRom my LoneLiness N dOn't huRt mE >.<"