kirstin my best buddy is going to florida!! and i'm gonna miss her so i'm posting some pix of her... so check them out!! kirstin you better not forget to bring a hot guy back for me!! shove him in your bag!!! hehe
some of these pix are already on my lj but i'm puttin them on again!
kirstin with her tongue out at sarah's hand
kirstin says she isnt dancing but i think she was.... i dont know its funny though..
kirstin... we were at the movies and waiting for the movie to start... i think she was telling me to be quiet and i just took the picture and she was scared.... like look at her face she looks kinda like WHOA.... i dont know but HAHAHAHAHA
her being the hoho she is!!!
her doing her weird sneeze thing... its really weird when she does that... but its SOOO funny....
ok i have no idea what she's doing but its funny.... shes such a loser... jk kirstin i love you!
and last picture... i have no idea what shes doing.... squinting?? i dont know shes weird...
ok well thats all my pix!!! i love you kirstin and you better come back asap!! i'm gonna miss you!! bring me back a hott guy!!! hehe!! love you!
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