hmm I feel like updating. This week has been good for multiple reasons:
1. Monday was my birthday :) And had some fun after school with alex, kay, and aunge
2. Attempted to play soccer and got to hang out with Dave, Andy, Kelly and others
3. Played tennis - Shawn and I vs. Mike, Sean, & Kelsey
4. Ran on "Mike's crazy route" consisting of running behind the tracks, across fields, swinging on swings, and climbing fences
5. Last Friday hung out with Sarah, Kyle & Ryan. Went to Grad Night (which pretty much sucked :( ) with them, Ash, and Tony. Tony - you got lucky that I didn't take you down in the pit of doom. haha. yea whatever. lol
6. Last Saturday went to Cedar Point with Kay & Bec. Awesome time.. good rides. long lines :(
7. Last Sunday people at work bought me a birthday balloon, and scratch off. I <3 them
And assorted other things, making it a wonderful time.
Haha and having Mike's friends help me write my english paper, on a napkin, before the midnight showing of Star Wars. what a good time. lol
I'd like to do the following sometime soon. (Who wants in?!):
1. Go to Thursday in the Square
2. Go to the Comix Cafe!!!
3. Have fires and attempt to wrestle with people. i lovvee it
4. Play FOOTBALL! and other assortments of games
Well, I was in a very listful mood. That's done.
Sometimes I really like not having to care about things. Other times I wish I could.