stolen from Liz who stole it from Amanda

Apr 25, 2006 19:03

I was about to start my spanish composition that's due tomorrow..... and thought I'd just check out my friends' livejournals for a minute or two.... then I came across this quiz on liz's LJ. So..... I ended up spending a while on here instead of working :P

10 Firsts..

First Real true Best Friend: Neal for the first half of my life.
First Screen name: PValen629 was my family's first, but my first one was quackmany2j
First Pet dog name: Priscilla (or something like that)
First Piercing: Nothing
First Car: 1994 MB 400E
First School: St. Thomas
First House Location: Hempstead
First Favorite Toy: ummmm video games- an NES?
First Name: Christopher


9 Lasts

Last Food You Ate: Turkey
Last Car Ride: Back from the auto parts store with my dad in the M5
Last Movie You Watched: South Park
Last Bubble Bath You took: No idea
Last Person You Hugged: Mom
Last Song You Listened To: Death or Glory- The Clash
Last Place You Were: HERE!
Last Sport You Played: HAH. umm.. bouncing a bouncey ball in the kitchen a few days ago
Last Thing You Did: watched Seinfeld

8 Have You Evers

Have You Ever Been Arrested: No.
Have You Ever Danced with no music: no
Have You Ever Been on TV: I dont' think so
Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Regretted It: No.
Have You Ever Cheated on a Test: Test? No, homework yes :P
Have You Ever Been on a Blind Date: No.
Have You Ever Been out of the Country: Yes, the Bahamas


7 Things You are Wearing

1. Champion brand Socks
2. Levis Blue Jeans
3. Metropolitan View bright orange shirt
4. white boxers
5. bracelet
6. "give blood" wrist band
7. Cartier GLASSES!


6 Things You've Done Today

1. Slept 'til 9.
2. Went to Theater Class
3. Went to Philosophy Class
4. Ate minimuffins
5. Drink Arizona Green Tea
6. sat at computer!


8 People you trust

1. Parents
2. Amanda.
3. Nick.
4. Brian.
5. Jen
6. Jessica
7. Katie Gray
8. and a few people who I'm imssing and probably shoudln't be


4 things you like

1. Computers
2. Internet
3. Cars
4. my friends


3 Choices

1.Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
2.Hugs or Kisses: Kisses.
3.Pens or Pencils: Pens.


2 Things You Want to do Before you die

1. Be self-sufficient... enough.
2. Fall in love

1 thing you cherish:

1. Friends and Family



Two Names You Go By:
1. Chris
2. Christopher

Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1. Colombian
2. Polish

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. glasses
2. orange shirt

Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Love
2. Time

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Internet
2. Driving

Two Things You Want Really Badly: (right now)
1. School to be over for the semester
2. See my friends when their school's over

Two pets you had/have:
1. Dog - Ruby who died last weekenddd
2. Turtle

Two Favorite Sports:
1. Swimming
2. ummm skateboarding? Sports.....................

Two people who will fill this out:
1. jessica?
2. jen?

Two things you did last night:
1. theater midterm corrections
2. read philosophy text

Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Bertucci's
2. Sushi Palace

Two People that live in your house:
1. Mom
2. brother

Two things you like about yourself:
1. not a loser
2. I'm good enough to have the friends I have

Two things you ate today:
1. muffins
2. turkey

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. My dad
2. James- online

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. School
2. internet

Two people that make you laugh:
1. Brian
2. Mike

Two people close to your heart:
1. Jessica
2. some other people

Two Longest car rides:
1. To Florida.
2. to Grand Canyon

Two Favorite Holidays:
2. christmas


1.Who was your first prom date?
JESSICA Breen!!!!

2. Who was your first roommate?
roomate? ummmmmm aside from family at hotels and sleepovers..... brian, sean, and IAN on the senior trip?

3. What was the first alcoholic beverage you drank when you got drunk?
the church wine and I didn't get drunk cause it's only one sip.

4. What was your first job?

5. What was your first car?
1994 MB 400E

6. When did you go to your first funeral?
I don't think I have

7. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?

8. Who was your first grade teacher?
Mrs. McKay.

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
Nope, never have.

11. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends?
neal, no, not really.

12. Where was your first sleepover?
Billy Sammon's sleepover party during st. thomas years i guess.

13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
I IM.... amanda usually when somethingawful happens..... or one of my other friends if she's not on

14. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
i've never been a bridesmaid or a groomsman.

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?

16. What was the first concert you ever went to?

17. First tattoo or piercing?

18. First celebrity crush?
No idea

19. Age of first real kiss with tongue?

20. First crush?
JESSICA i think in like 7th grade or somethitntg like that.
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