My friendly friends

May 01, 2006 13:10

Remember my last journal entry about my friends in which I compared them to drinks?
WEll in this LJ entry I'm going to compare my friends to animals.

Jen- a nisha
Kathleen- a pikachu
Matt Alban- I don't know, sorry
Adam- Kangaroo
Jessica- Squirrel
Amanda- Koala
James- Psyduck
Keith- desert lizard
Mike Powell- Fox
Brian- Hawk
Kim- Quail
Josh- ant
Samantha- frog
Kristen- Dog (and I mean that in the best possible way :) )
Vivecca- a snake
stephanie- not sure.... sorry
Ian- Vomit/Vampire Bat

Do I have any other friends? Doesn't matter cause the ones I have are saucesome!
But if I DID in fact miss you and you want me to think up a humorous comparison, do not hesitate to ask.

I DID NOT DRINK KIMOTHY SANDERS in the old journal entry, so I thought about it for a few seconds and she is either green tea or drinkable yogurt and ESPECIALLY the kellenberg mini-drinks.
Also, Chrystina, she would be a meerkat, like Timon in the Lion King.
Katie Gray- Komodo Dragon
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