o/~ And let me tell you, man, it was a stone. But the closer that I felt to all these friends of mine, The more I understood I was alone. o/~ - Spider Robinson, Callahan's Legacy
I have a ridiculously full schedule this semester
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The problem with having once been paid for the bullshit I spout is that it gave me the belief that it's valuable. As such, everybody should want it, and be thrilled when I choose to give it to them
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I'm starting to feel like I've been at the beginning of this road so many times, I should put up signage & a tollbooth. "This way towards getting over it. $0.50" Although I suppose that at least the road paves itself - each time you do it, it gets a little easier. Still sucks rocks, but it's just a little bit easier each time. And I guess that
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This was originally going to be my yearly politics post, but I'm pretty sure there isn't anybody left who's going to read this and isn't voting for Obama, so I don't need to preach to the choir
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