Well, watching Sherlock obbsessively. ^^
I think I'm probably getting a wee bit bipolar from lack of sleep and my general chemical inbalences.
I got me another blood test today! Yaaaaay!
Berlyne and I were texting and she said some guys were giving her "friendly looks". And, amazingly, I experienced this intense hatred and protectiveness and jealousy in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to find those boys and smash their heads in.
Berlyne is mine, dammit.
I suppose I might as well say that, yes, I have gone to the gay side in this case. Will I stay there? Cannot say.
It's not bad over here, actually. Aside from the whole awkward not-feeling-comfortable-around-my-parents-with-her thingy.
Sherlock and Watsmuffin
Sitting in a Tree
Gott... I can't beleive school starts next week.