How to break a heart

Feb 19, 2012 00:00

Today I finished Assassin's Creed Revelations. I can honestly say this is a series that does not let me down. Ever. You'd think that with how popular the games are, Ubisoft would slip up because of the pressure with continuing to make flawless games, but they don't! Well, that's my opinion anyway, and I'm sure there are many who would disagree.

Okay, so answer me this people who have completed the game or who are some how in the know:
  • Have there always been two Apples of Eden? Because didn't Ezio have one in the last game? And now he finds one in Altair's library? I always thought the Apple Ezio had was the very one Altair had in the first game. Did we even find out where Ezio got the Apple to begin with? Maybe I just don't remember, I have a memory like a sieve. 
  • Is that it for Subject 16? What, the Animus just deleted him after he served his purpose? No. NO. Okay, that is not on Ubisoft. After years at hinting at him we finally get to meet him face to face and all we get is him creeping Desmondo out and then suddenly growing a heart at the 11th hour? I don't buy that. I was hoping for at least a little bit more of his backstory. The things we got on him in the previous games were interesting...and yet we didn't even get his name :(
  • The footage we saw of 'Adam and Eve' in Brotherhood...was that before or after the sun obliterated the planet, as old beardy bloke mentioned?
  • I had always assumed that the assassins were the ancestors of the 'First people' (who I always assumed to be those such as Minerva, Juno and Beardy) but when Beardy mentioned 'his people' and the humans working together to restore the planet now I'm wondering if perhaps the assassins are the offspring of humans and The First. And theoretically, if this is the case, that were Adam and Eve the first children born from that union?
Basically I'm just thinking out loud here. I have A LOT of feelings when it comes to this game.

Also, I've decided that since Ubisoft saw fit to kill my wonderful, beautiful Yusuf Tazim no one in the Assassin's Creed universe is allowed to be happy ever again. Ever. Yes, I'm sure everyone was having fits of hysterics at the thought of Sophia (who I love, I'm not complaining about her here) falling into the clutched of the EVIL Byzantines, but seriously could you cast Yusuf aside so callously? HOW?? I'm really hoping that we get some bonus Yusuf in future DLCs. I'll cry if we don't.

assassin's creed revelations, games, rantings of a fangirl, yusuf: i can haz?, i sound drunk but i'm not!

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