It's Time For a Break [CLOSED/ACTIVE]

Mar 02, 2008 05:38

Characters: Kuroki Koji deathblows and Jyumonji Kazuki opochtli
Content: Kuroki drags Jyumonji to the beach for sum SWIMMIN
Setting: The beach
Time: Afternoon lols
Warnings: Kuroki and Jyumonji. Swearing, fighting, yelling and retardedisms are soon to follow.

Kuroki was pretty fed up with the city as of late.

He had a run-in with a hunter--who, luckily, wasn't as orthodox as the typical hunter apparently--and with some creepy lady who had a thing for pushing all of Kuroki's buttons and needless to say, the wereshark was pretty burnt out.

Not only that, but in recent days, he found that he and Jyumonji hadn't really done a hell of a lot of.. anything. They had their typical fights and would hang around at home, but other than that, there wasn't a lot. Of course, Kuroki wasn't about to come right out and say this--he wasn't a pussy or anything, after all--but he'd go about dragging Jyumonji with him in a round about way, making threats and teasing him and just generally being a jerk to his best friend.

It was really the best method of getting what he wanted, after all.

Once he managed to drag the blonde outside, they were off to the beach. It was kind of odd, considering just a few weeks ago Kuroki had been there and hiding from everyone, only to have been found by a hunter.

But, he'd gotten over that. Or at least ignored it for the moment. He wanted to do something at the beach before the temperature dropped and he wanted to have fun, damnit. And Jyumonji was going to have fun with him whether he liked it or not!

week four, jyumonji kazuki, kuroki koji

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