Player Information
Name: Man-D
Personal LJ:
one_truesparkAge: 19
Contact Info: AIM; live the kind
Other Characters Played: None.
Character Information
Character Name: Jade Harley
Character Series: Homestuck
Character Age: 13
Character Gender: Female
Alternate Universe
Canon Point: At the end of her timeline, after four months spent by herself on earth -- immediately after she wishes for someone to save her.
Background Link:
Here is a link to Alpha Jade's personal history, and
the plot of Homestuck in brief. In addition,
the top section of this page explains in brief the doomed timeline that my particular AU Jade will come from.
AU Background:
In Homestuck, there is a particularly interesting part of the Time player's destiny that can effectively change the course of the game. This part is called making stable time loops, or essentially, changing time and the events that surround it in order to assure the life of all the players in the game. Each time a player in the game makes an important, conscious decision, the timeline splits off from itself. This is exactly what creates the doomed timeline that Jade comes from. In her timeline, John (under the horrible advice of Terezi Pyrope, one of the 12 trolls from another universe's session) decided to cheat the game and fight the Denizen before it had actually awoken.
What John didn't realize is that Typheus was already awake, and therefore impossible to kill at John's low level. John Egbert died attempting to kill Typheus in vain, therefore rendering the session incomplete. Without John, Jade was never able to get into the session; each person must serve as a server (or a player that controls the environment of another player) and as a client (a player that receives help from their server). With John dead, there was no one to act as the unique server for Jade -- she was left on earth, with no possible way to get pulled into the Medium. Unfortunately for her, meteors were bearing down on the world that would quite soon render everyone very, very DEAD.
In canon, we only see Dave and Rose alive -- we know that John is dead for sure from later updates (where he appears in the dream bubbles as a 'dead John'). However, no one knows what actually happened to Jade. Dave assumes that she is dead, but Rose reminds him that they don't actually know for certain. In this AU, I am taking this assumption and turning it into reality -- what the kids didn't know as they sat in the Medium was that Jade survived the meteor that blasted towards her house. Of course, because it was a doomed timeline, the trolls no longer existed for her. Neither did Bec, or any of her modern conveniences. She was stuck in a world of sand and left to fend for herself, the only person left on the planet (because the meteor destroyed everyone else). Jade spends the four months of the doomed timeline searching for her friends, but to no avail -- because the world has ended, she no longer has internet service, and can only watch her friends through the clouds on Prospit, which frequently provide scattered and incomplete visions. Because of this, she goes a little…well, she's not in the best mindset by the end of four months in her own personal isolation. Jade sleeps more than a normal person should, often to tap into her dreams and see visions of the friends she left behind. She also wanders as far as she can in the sand world, trying to find the ruins of civilization (and also to simply survive -- there is little that's left after the world ends).
If you would like more specifics about Jade's personality and history/day to day workings in the doomed timeline, I am working off of a fanfiction, found
Here. This provides more insight into the solitary world she creates for herself.
tl;dr Jade spent four months in the worst possible place for a human to be before Dave went back in time to become Davesprite and her entire timeline ceased to exist, rendering her completely erased from time.
Jade is described in canon as “a very silly girl.” That is for the most part, true. Most of her time outside of Sburb is spent indulging in fun things, like talking to her friends online and playing her eclectic bass or her tangle buddies. She is happy, usually putting a positive outlook on things, and is very rarely exasperated. This is expressed in the way she types. There, exclamation points abound, as well as smiley faces. Rarely does she forgo these, even when she’s angry (in fact, she almost uses MORE exclamation points when she’s upset). Jade tries to be friendly and welcoming when she can, because she believes in the fact that niceness should be reciprocated. When people are nice to her (or when she believes they can be nice), she is friendly and sociable. However, when they are annoying and angry (read: Karkat), Jade can get testy and irritable as quickly as anyone else. She doesn’t like to dwell in unhappiness, though, so her general demeanor is one of a cheerful girl.
Before the world ended, Jade was fairly naive. She grew up somewhat sheltered, living on an island with mainly her dog Becquerel for company, since her grandfather gained an appreciation for wanderlust and took off to explore the world. He was shot when Jade was young, leaving her alone to stuff him and take care of herself, except for Becquerel. Bec isn’t just a dog, but rather a guardian of Earth. He is omnipotent and very caring, but it still makes for a lonely childhood of sorts. Jade doesn’t seem upset by this. Even when stranded by herself, she mostly misses the text of her friends, rather than their physical presence. It isn't until the very end that she admits that she is actually lonely -- it takes a great deal of personal strength for her to admit things that she doesn't want to believe, something that she has struggled without in her four months on earth. Jade also doesn’t understand popular culture references (except for Dave’s comics, which she reads religiously in a non-ironic way). She doesn’t always understand her friends’ jokes, but laughs anyway, as a good friend and supporter should. Don’t mistake her naivety for dim wits. Jade might overlook the grim details, but she is extremely intelligent. Her favorite things to do include dabbling in nuclear physics and gadgetry, of all things. She has used her time to her advantage, cultivating her talents. Jade has many unusual skills for a girl of thirteen, since she was taught by her grandfather at a young age to appreciate the thrill of the hunt and other various things, like science. While she may not be culturally in the know, Jade knows enough in her own fields to make up for that. In addition, she's of a mind to survive -- when faced with a seemingly impossible situation, she fights with tooth and nail to continue living on. Jade doesn't quit for anything, and is willing to keep fighting until she physically can't any more. She only gives up when there's nothing else left that she can do. In this case, it's four months of harsh survival, and the realization that she cannot save her self no matter how much she tries.
Jade has a problem with falling asleep in strange locations; this is frequently put down to a severe case of narcolepsy. It is debated that she might never actually fall asleep like a normal person, which is probably true -- Vriska put her to sleep when she was young, and kept forcing her to sleep at random intervals. She can’t control where she falls asleep; in canon, she almost seems to have a knack for falling asleep at the WORST times, like when she’s trying to sneak by her grandfather in the grand foyer. Jade presumably had no idea that she was falling asleep until she forcibly took naps when the world was destroyed; no one actually knows how many of her pesters are from her dream self/dream robot. Of course, since her robot was destroyed when the meteor hit, she now has a normal dream self and tends to sleepwalk a lot. Still, she sleeps more than should be humanly possible. People tend to make fun of her for this, but the only time this ever gets on her nerves is when it’s insults from the trolls, most of whom Jade detests. She is the only one of the kids to actually count all twelve trolls at first, and is presumably the one that they first made contact with (and the one that they contact the most, though these conversations aren’t always shown in pages). Jade may prefer optimism to anger, but that doesn’t make her immune. She is angry first and remorseful second -- her first reaction to people not doing what she thinks they should is impatience. She has a lot of things that she believes should happen, and when people butt heads with her it makes her a little perturbed. Karkat certainly got on her nerves long before the series started, causing Jade to block him on Pesterchum. Karkat finds a way to get around the block, much to Jade’s chagrin, and they continue their arguments. Her anger generally takes its form in a manner of ignoring whoever makes her mad, though she doesn’t often show true rage. When she does, it’s almost like a complete snap in personality. When Karkat and future!Karkat get into an argument in a chat (via freaky time shenanigans) Jade reverts to angry words and expletives, shocking the pair of them. This doesn’t happen often, but that’s probably a good thing; most people don’t expect it of her, since it’s so rare. She can curse like a sailor and smack people around with the most angry of them. In the AU, Jade has not spoken to the trolls in almost four months -- because doomed timelines are not seen by the trolls on their computer client. She wonders if her reasons for getting angry at them in the past were justified, and frequently considers the fact that they might genuinely be trying to help her, despite their brusque conversations -- Karkat, however, still grates a slight nerve to think about, particularly because so many of the things he said (for example, that she ruins everything) ring true in her mind.
Since Jade has been awake on Prospit, the dream world closest to Skaia, for as long as she can remember, she often seems to be much of a dreamer. Because of her dream self, Jade has received visions of the future through Skaia’s clouds, telling her to do things that are important to her friends’ quests. When she wakes up from these dreams, she arranges her thoughts by tying pieces of multicolored string to her fingers, to help her to remember certain events. Most of her friends find her to be a little bit eerie and secretive, since she often knows things that they haven’t yet told her. Jade previously refused to share anything more than was necessary with her friends about their futures, exclaiming that if she tells them, they will “mess it all up.” But after John ran off to fight his denizen (something that Jade, to this day, doesn't know about) she feels that if only she had told them everything that they had needed to know about SBURB, things might not have ended the way they did. The guilt she carries is quite immense -- she attempts to pester and contact her friends, but without internet and with Prospit being such a far distance from Derse, she is unsuccessful. Mostly, she just wants to make sure her friends are alright -- despite the guilt, Jade Harley is still a girl who cares for her friends more than anything, and would do everything in her power to keep them safe. Only now, instead of hiding information from them, she would do anything to tell them all that they needed to know, even if it meant that future events would be changed. Perhaps that's for the best; if she had told them about the horrible things to come (such as people dying), maybe she wouldn't have been stuck on earth alone, and maybe her friends wouldn't be quite so sad. Jade blames herself more than anyone for the misfortune that befell them, even though she's the one trapped and unable to escape.
Because of her months spent without socialization, or any sort of contact with the outside world, Jade has become a slightly quieter person. She's still very cheerful, or she tries to be -- she refuses to let even the end of the world defeat her optimism. But people are almost like a dream, something she hasn't seen in a long time. And really, it's true -- outside of her dreams she's only ever seen Grandpa, and he was destroyed. The people she loves are still the most important to her, but they've also become figments of her imagination, in a way. She wanders and dreams of the people she misses, and because of that her grasp on reality is almost nonexistent. As if Jade lived in a nightmare for four months, the realm of her dreams almost seemed more real than an expanse of wasteland. But she's still fighting; despite seeming like a dream, she refuses to quit, and would rather starve to death attempting to fight than starve to death sitting in one place. Jade refuses to believe that her friends have given up on her -- her last call for help is a reminder that maybe, if she yells loud enough, anyone could hear.
- SPACE POWERS. Even though we don't actually know what they are (canon is surprisingly vague on this part), there are a few things that we do know:
• Jade can make plants of any sort grow by playing music for them. She grows flowers with her bass beats and even makes lillypads move in order to jump across a lake.
• As the Space player, Jade is responsible for the breeding of the new universe. This primarily means she has to clone and catch frogs until she clones the ultimate frog. (Which basically sums up to: she has a way with frogs.)
• In her AU, Jade is also capable of using the earth (or Space) to save herself from death -- she essentially wraps herself in power and creates a place that is separate from the damage going on around her. This is something she does subconsciously, out of her will to survive -- she has no power over this, at least not that she knows of.
- EXPERT MARKSMANSHIP. Jade learned how to shoot a rifle from her Grandpa before she could even properly explain the parts of a rifle. She's got expert aim, and always carries around a rifle with her at all times in case she gets into trouble.
- SYLLADEX. Basically a place existing outside of space that can hold various items (usually ones that aren't too big or too heavy, though different modi can hold completely different items, sometimes ridiculously large ones). Jade's is set to memory modus (though previously it was set to pictionary, and she has many others in the form of board games).
- PROSPIT. Jade can dream on the moon called Prospit, one of two moons that circle Skaia, the battlefield planet. Though this will most likely be defunct in Animus, she is used to receiving prophetic dreams that she deciphers when she wakes up. Using this information, she guides her friends on the correct paths to complete the mission that's been set before them. These dreams are very vague, and may contain information about the past, present or future at any given moment.
- an uncanny knack for guessing things right on the first try! Jade is a master at Memory.
- Uncannily good at tinkering, as well as pretty much a genius. Jade studies nuclear physics and tinkers with objects to create snazzy new items like the lunchtop. However, she’s not a brain in anything else, really. Her smarts are limited to the things she really cares about. And don’t worry -- she may have made a super powerful robobunny, but she refuses to make anything that could seriously harm another person (like rockets or whatever).
Sample Entry:
i think i was sleepwalking again :(
because i am not really sure how i ended up in a forest!
i know that i was dreaming about prospit again but it was different and there were scary people….
i am kind of lost
maybe i will just wander around, but i think that this isnt a good place to be and i kind of want to sleep some more :/
do you think if i fall asleep here, i will be ok?
because i am super tired and i just want to dream again