This is really more of a public service announcement. But if you haven't seen the movie 'The Happening', by all means avoid it at all costs!
As a disclaimer, I am a huge fan of M. Night Shyamalan's films (although I had yet to watch 'Lady in the Water'. I have it-still wrapped in the plastic-but haven't opened it yet). I loved 'Unbreakable' and 'Signs', and-even though I saw the ending coming-Bryce Dallas Howards's performance and character in 'The Village', and the chemistry between her and Joachim Phoenix made that film enjoyable.
So I saw 'The Happening' on opening day. Never mind that I hadn't gotten around to seeing Iron Man (which I didn't know Leslie Bibb was in, otherwise it wouldn't have been a contest), or that The Hulk started on the same day. I mean, Hulk may not be high art, but you know what you're getting, you know?
Well, The Happening just sucked. The characters were lame, and unsympathetic. Mark Wahlberg was playing the role with the range of Keanu Reeves. And the film's message was about as subtle as someone slapping you upside the head with a dead fish.
Oh, and the climax: the 'big threat' just...ends. The main character goes outside and...doesn't die. What does he do that the other characters didn't do? Nothing. He just doesn't die because the thing that began mysterioulsy under dubious circumstances has decided to stop. Riveting!!!
I don't know if I can save anyone else the money on the rental-and more importantly the two hours of your life you can't get back. But if I can help just one person, it'll be worth it.