Well, everybody, I have returned from my 3 week excursion, journey, leave of absence, whatever you want to call it. And even though I'm glad to be back I must say I greatly enjoyed myself. Here is a basic rundown of what I did:
Week 1: This was the week I was a counselor at CBG. It was fun and there was mention of TROGDOR. I was in a cabin w/a kid named Abrham Jones. Over-all he wasn't a bad guy, and he was in band so we had a common interest. My only problem with him was that he tended to act like he was better than everyone else because his family has been going to the camp the entire 80 years it's been in existance. Staff training was probably my favorite part. Without the campers there you had alot of time to just screw around. (It suprised me how many of the counselors smoked though). We did do some work though. The theme was the Beatles (More specifically "The Magical Mystery Tour"). I liked the program we came up with alot. The story was that John Lennon had a fight with the Beatles for some reason got on a "Yellow Submarine Time Machine" and was transported back to the time of Jesus where he learns all about friendship. Every day was a new Beatles song, but I don't remember which ones. I really enjoyed the part where John Lennon see's how much N'Sync sucks and decides to join the Beatles again. My campers were alright, though there were times when I was tempted very strongly to kill every single one of them. Once they were all checked out and gone I got to drive home and sleep in my own bed for one night before going to Florida.
Week 2: We drove down to Florida and since none of the cousins my age were able to come I spent most of my time entertaining my little cousin, Chris. It really wasn't that bad, considering I had had to put up with alot more kids his age for an entire week. I got alot of time to sit around and relax, and that was a good thing. Not much happened during this week except I saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. That movie kicked ass! It was alot darker than the others and more like I pictured to books. When the week was over and done with we drove home, I went to sleep, went to church, and then drove back up to camp for my final session of the summer.
Week 3: This was probably my favorite session of the two I did. The staff was alot more laid back and alot less worried about "hooking up," even though just about all of them smoked as well. I was in a cabin with Greg {insert last name} and Matthew DeWeese. They were both really cool to hand around. There was not the feeling of cliching going on at this session like there was at the former one. I liked our cabin dad too (the other one wasn't bad but he had like three of his kids and his wife with him which kinda sucked). I found out he lived next to my grand-mother up until she died and since I was scared to death of her and never really knew her, he told me stories which was kinda cool. He had to leave about half-way through the week because of a family emergency or something like that but we didn't mind because from that moment on we OWNED the campers. It was kinda cool on Thursday I think it was, the power went off in the camp and apparently half of madison county as well. Once the campers stopped going berserk all the counselors went for a night swim since it was so HOT. The theme wasn't as well thought out as it was in the first session but I turned out OK. The theme was Shrek at camp and so what they did was make Shrek do a bunch of goody-goody things every day (There was no continuous plot). I did learn a few swing dance moves and I want to try them with Emily if I can remember how to do it. Also, I got to do canteen one day which was kinda cool b/c counselors don't do canteen very often:
BREAK IT DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN-counselors-in-the-canteen!!! My campers weren't bad, in fact they were all kinda "for lack of a better word" = weaklings (absolutely no fight in'em, which is kinda creepy.) But damn they are so much more educated about sex stuff than I was at that age, it's weird.
Finally this week has ended and I can look foreward to a nice long stay at home. I got a nice suprise too, my watch is back!!! It's been killing me to not know the time, and it looks so nice. If you have made it this far I thank you kindly for taking the time to read it. Now, since I haven't slept for close to 30 hours, I'm gonna take a nice long nap because the sleeiness is kicking in.