Title: Trying To Catch The Sun
Pairing: het!2min, slight het!Onkey
Genre: AU, Humor, Romance, Drama
Rating: PG - 13
Word Count: 3,300
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing.
Summary: They used to be good friends in high school, but now that Minho's once best friend has resurfaced as a recovering drug addict, is it his respnsibility to help Jonghyun get his son
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Comments 8
JJong and drug :( well at least he's still a good person, my poor little puppy
oh and i'm curious, who's the mom though?
take care bb ~~~
& I know, but he's going to get cleaned up and it will all be better!
& the mom will be revealed in a little bit!
Thank you! <3
I LOVE this~ I love shinee fanfiction with yooguen in it~
it sounds really really good and i want to see what ends up happening with jonghyun and 2min T___T
well...that's ok lol
i'll just go read some of the other wonderful fics you have written xD
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