Title: Beauty & The Geek
Pairing: Jongkey, Onkey, 2min
Genre: AU, Humor, Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: PG - 15 (Will go up in future chapters) [Language, Sexual Situations]
Word Count: 1,969
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing.
Summary: Office romances never come without drama.
A/N: Beta'd by the lovely & amazing
siaht ! Warning for slut!Key.
He whimpers instead, because screw keeping his cool, Kim Kibum is in the process of ripping his clothes off, something he's only experienced during wet dreams. Jinki catches sight of the photographs, seemingly watching them from the opposite wall, and it's almost comical that Kim Jonghyun is grinning down at them right at this moment. )
Comments 51
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Thank you so much ~ I hope the first chapter lives up to your expectations! <3
If there is not more of this asap i will die.
I mean seriously.
Do you wanna be a killer?
I promise you won't have to wait long for more. ^_^
Whew! Ok, i'll wait paitently then. :D
I'm really glad to hear you're excited! Thank you for taking the time to read & comment! <3
Can't wait for the 2min part though *biased*
Thank you for taking the time to comment!
this seems so great and buhh the ending *w* i await for the next part~~~
Oh ~ 2min, the little sweeties. <3
Tysm ~ ! ^__^
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