Title: Try Hard Enough
Author: Queen Mab
Summary: Clark can do everything if he wants to.
Rating: Pg
Pairing: Lois/Clark
Notes: Spoilers up to middle season 8, post 8x15. (Right now things are going much better, thank God XD)
“Or…we cannot face it and pretend it never almost happened.”
There’s something new, something scary and wrong about the way your hands reach out for her hair and you have to stop them.
Trying to deny you want it too isn’t going to work, you know that, but you can’t help feeling a tinge of pain as you convince yourself that if you try bad enough you won’t need her witty remarks anymore, you’ll just take them in with a smile.
“I think it’s a pretty complicated conversation, Lois.”
You keep your voice steady, because really, there’s nothing in your line that would require glimpses of emotions when you’re trying to pretend you don’t care.
It’s just that you hate weakness, and her thin frame makes you more vulnerable than the shining green of kryptonite.
When you walk away from the bar you have to force your legs, dumb and heavy as the feelings flowing trough shivers.
If you try hard enough, you do everything. Or maybe you don’t.