Hey look I'm updating again! AMAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZING!!

Nov 04, 2008 14:20

I'm actuallly updating this journal on a semi-regular basis. WOW. *sarcasm* Which in its self is quite an acomplishment, as I don't usually write much at all, seeing how my life is pretty eventless.
Anyway it's the last week of my lessons, and after this I will have offically completed my first year of classes, which is pretty cool I guess. Overall Uni has been pretty good, if a bit uneventful. I'm just glad to have met all these nice people, and also avoided all drama. I HATE drama, so this definately a good thing. The workload is definately much larger than highschool, but also much more freedoom. I can skive on a clean concience! I like that part the most 'cos I get to SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. XD

Wow that was seriously boring. I really need to make these posts more entertaining. -_________-;

Speaking of school, we saw a quenda when we were eating lunch today. It was pretty funny because everyone around was freaking out because it looked like a rat. You could hear all the chinese students exclaming in mandarin "ZOMG IT'S A RAT!!!!" while all the Aussies were all pretty chill and saying "Cool, quenda lol." My friend tried to take pictures but it was moving too fast. BTW for all you non-Western Aussies a quenda is a small marsupial, which incidentally looks a bit like a rat and is only found around the Uni area. Yes, even most Aussies don't know what it is. Here's a link to pics and info about quendas. Pretty cute eh?

BTW, I drew more Reborn fanart for Halloween, which ended up more like something for the Mexican Day of the Dead instead. This time featuring TYL!Yamamoto! :DDD

Why is he dancing? I have NO IDEA. The image just popped into my head, so I drew it. I am NEVER using so much red again. -_____- Here's the DA link.

Sigh... back to studying for exams and nanomango  pages I guess. I'll post them up when the exams are done in one gigantic megapost. :D

yamamoto, art, reborn, life, fanart

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