Lannister-Wayne Connex | Moscow

Aug 31, 2012 14:15

Who: Cersei Lannister & Bruce Wayne (notacaveman)
Where: Moscow, Russia

'Beautiful' isn't the word Cersei would use to describe Moscow - no major city in the world deserves that label; no, not even Paris which in her opinion is just phoney - but there is a certain something that has it flirting with it beauty. Decadence juxtaposed with poverty can be found in any metropolis of the world but here the underlying current of brutality is so close to the surface that it might as well be out there in the open.

Russia is an interesting place and Moscow, its heart, is exciting.

They have the Grand Suite at the Savoy courtesy of their gracious host and potential future business partner, Aleksandr Petrovich Karenin. He doesn't talk much over dinner, leaving it to his son to make conversation with Cersei and Bruce because tonight is about young people having some fun, he tells them half-jokingly, and he's just here to pick up the cheque.

If Cersei's disappointed that Mr Karenin's son - 'call me Fedya' - seems to be just another carbon copy of her so-called friends at home, she doesn't let it show on her face or in her demeanour. They're all playing 'nice', after all, and he seems more interested in Bruce anyway.

"I'm taking you to the Bolshoi after dinner. After great renovation it's even more remarkable. We heard all about Bruce Wayne kidnapping the ensemble," - not so subtle laughter at the table - "but have you been to the theatre itself?"

verse: lannister-wayne connex

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