World gone mad

May 17, 2007 11:42

Apparently there's been a massive increase in America of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder



I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that over 80% of these cases (btw bipolar disorder isn't exactly something which is easy to conclusively diagnose - it generally involves some kind of hospitalization for mania - and that's a good thing given the strength of the drugs used to treat it) are due to parents and doctors wanting to assign a MEDICAL name to a BEHAVIOURAL problem. It actually drives me mental (hey, maybe I should get some drugs?) when I hear about doctors who just diagnose a mental disorder and prescribe antidepressants (or whatever... the thought of 3yr olds being given Lithium makes me feel quite sick to be honest... prob makes them feel sick too) when really, there's nothing that drugs will do. A bit of counselling or some advice on lifestyle is probably all that's really needed, and once someone has been told they have a bona fide mental illness, that stays with them for LIFE. I honestly think that can do more damage, and probably be psychosomatic in some cases.

In the same way most personality 'disorders' don't need drugs, being a KID isn't a mental condition.

Kids don't get f*cking bipolar... they are KIDS. They have mood swings (when they don't get their own way), they have delusions (when they're playing - "hey this kid thinks he's superman... quick!"), they love the sound of their own voices and seeing what they can do and get away with - it's all part of growing up! To pretend, to run around screaming for no real reason, to behave irrationally.... and to not have to worry about it either. I think childhood is getting shortened way too much as it is and that these poor soles who are being pumped full of drugs and told to behave in a certain way are being robbed blind. It makes me really sad and even less likely to want children myself if this is the world they'd be growing up in... comparing meds in the playground. Can you imagine? Getting bullied for not having a mental disorder? Feeling left out coz everyone else is on ritalin and prozac? HELL bloody NO.

p.s. Obviously, I am not denying that people do suffer from mental disorders which can be helped enormously by drugs. But you should know that already... I just think poeple are WAY too keen to stick a label on beahaviour, a label which comes pre-medicated.
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