Dec 01, 2006 22:19
Some people are naturally curious; some are naturally cautious. Some people sit with their toes in the mud and a glass of wine in hand, laughing at something secret.
Dec 01, 2006 22:17
Hey, you old sot. Where are you?
Dec 01, 2006 22:16
She's curled up into a small a lump as possible, purely for experimental purposes--just how small can people curl themselves up?--but she's likely to collapse wide open while laughing any minute now.
Dec 01, 2006 21:51
Mickle is walking on her hands, just because she can. She can do a lot of things just because she can, and that makes her happy.
Aug 01, 2006 12:59
All right, all of you. I want to know how you're doing. How you're really doing, all right?
Florian, I'm talking about you and your lot. *a half-playful little grin* And my husband, wherever he's gotten to; and Dr. Torrens, Keller, Mother--all of you. I need to find out what's been going on.
Sep 04, 2005 22:16
If I were still queen of Westmark, I think I'd like to build a ferris wheel.
Aug 06, 2005 12:29
And here I am. Lovely. *grins*