Creating Walls to Call Your Own

Nov 21, 2004 22:42

Eh, inspiration is hard to come by, ain't it?  Grrr, I've been trying to work on a Christmas Fic, even though I know the plot, I have absolutely ZERO motivation to write. How do all you writers out there motivate yourselves into writing?

Okay, whoever made up the saying "It's not whether you win or loose, it's how you play the game" obviously was trying to make themselves or someone else feel better.  I didn't join this darn Soccer league to bend over and give my opponents a target to kick my butt.  Yet, every freaking game we've either lost or tied.  I WANNA WIN!!!!

The other thing I'm beginning to really hate about this game is the lousy farmers tan I'm getting.  I put on loads of sunscreen before each game, and yet my face is burnt to a crisp, I have a lovely t-shirt tan, oh, and the wonderful shin gards and long socks allow me to get a beautiful knee tan.  Crap, no swimming suits, shorts or short skirts for me, not like I could anyway with all the darn bruises I've got from being kicked and from falling on the ground.  I think after putting up with all this, I deserve to WIN.

So Nicole, doesn't this really make you wanna join now?!

Whew, that felt good to get off my chest.

Let it wash away
All those yesterdays

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