Please discuss the impact this scholarship will have on your studies and personal goals.
You're kidding, right?
*** Sorry if the above was cryptic. Was wading through the matriculated scholarship application process and the essay prompt struck me as being obnoxiously obvious.
Have resolved to write more in Lj this quarter. (Which will be so hard, because I update like what, once every other month?) In my defense, my last two posts never got posted because people came bounding into to my room to distract me
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Not supprisingly I haven't updated in like, a month. I mostly blame this on the fact that I have no earthly idea where my digital camera is, and nothing inspires Lj posting, like 'oh shit, I have to show people this picture
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Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a lj entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names
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I realize that I am from Florida, the Land that Weather Hates, so I'll try not to sound too much like a mainlander when I say this, but Holy Shit, it's crazy damp up here
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