HORRAY! Fianlly found an internet cafe that has GOOD service! By good I mean I can actually stay on for longer than five mins without other people in line beating me with sticks then dragging me away from the computer! (It costs $7 per hour here which isn't that bad, ONE place charged $5 for 10mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Anyways My last e-mail covered a lot but it didn't have much detail due to lack of computer time so I thought I'd add some quick details now. ON WITH THE E-MAIL!
First of all Kate and I are leaving San Fran at 11 tonight on a greyhound bus to LA!!!!!!! LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will arrive at LA at 7 or so in the morning. We'll spend that day finding our hotel, getting settled in, booking passes to DISNEYLAND and then spend the rest of the day thinking about what we are going to do at DISNEYLAND!!!!!!! I'LL BE IN DISNEYLAND IN ONLY TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIFE IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... yeah... moving on....
Kate and I have had our first proper introduction to American TV during our stay at our hotel. I now know why all the children suffer from ADD; 50 channels to surf and everything moves a LOT faster, I know that sounds weird but it is true, they cram so many flashing lights, super effects and different commercials in such a short space of time my eyes and brain hurt.
Our favourtie show by far would have to be Miami Ink. Miami Ink is all about a tattoo shop that was started by 5 guys who are all good friends. Basically you just get to see people getting tattooed. Kate and I love seeing all the designs people choose and then personally deciding whether ot not they are cool. Kate came to America KNOWING that she REALLY didn't want a tattoo. Now the only thing stopping her from getting an electric guitar with wings is the thought of all the creative punishments her mum could think up before she arrived home. Don't worry mother, I know right now you are probably terrifed. I'm not planning on getting a tattoo over here. I would like to get one in my lifetime but I want to wait till I have something really important/meaningful AND beautiful before I imprint it into my skin.
Adam (England), Erin(Australia) and Anna(New Zealand) stayed with us at Clarie's house in Seattle. In one morning they all got tattoos.
Adam had no idea what he wanted and ended up with a medium sized pair of angel wings on his middle back = VERY sexy looking but I prefer tattoos with meaning behind them
Erin got a trinity symbol on her shoulder to represent her and her two sisters = Good meaning but the tattoo looked really out of place on her shoulder. I prefer them when they flow with the body.
Anna = Designed her tattoo awhile ago, it is a funky cirle pattern involving curled up New Zealand ferns. She had it down right between her shoulder blades. It looks rather funky!
OK enough about tattoos.
Yesterday Kate and I went to China Town, the Japan Center, Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum and the Wax Museum. It was a very full and very wonderful day. We finished it off by going to our FAVOURITE restaraunt EVER! The super amazing Rainforest Restaurant. We just had to go back, yes, it really was THAT cool!
China Town - Not as big/as cool as the one in Sydney, I'm not lying when I say that basically EVERY shop sold the same thing! There were two catagories of shop; the cheap chinese souvenir shop and the jewelery shop. ALL of the 40 or so shops fitted into one of those options and they really did sell the SAME stuff!
Japan Center - I'd been wanting to go here for ages and I wasn't disappointed. EVERYTHING I've ever wanted was there. It was torture. There was an entire store devoted to anime DVDs, walls and walls filled with it and I couldn't buy most of them. The region codes wouldn't let me do it. There were some I COULD have bought but strangely enough they were MORE expensive over here (due to currency conversion) and most of them were avaliable in Australia. I did however treat myself to 5 different manga. I went to a Kinokinya over here, it isn't as big as the one in Sydney but it has a LOT of translated manga, many volumes that haven't been released in Australia yet! I hope we get the chance to go back today!
Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum = AWESOME! Just like the TV show. I got to see so many weird and wonderful things. It really was an eye opening experience! Great fun to go to!
Wax Museum = Not nearly as cool as I thought it would be and a lot more expensive than it should have been. The new wax models were pretty realisitic looking but the rest of them were REALLY fake, super shiny wax looking fake. I did however get to take a good picture of myself pawing over a rather realistic looking Neo... ^-^ I really would like to go to a really good was museum some day.
Other random bits of info:
San Fran is filled with perverted old men. Kate and I get started at, whistled at, propsed to and many other loud suggestive noises are sent our way whenever we are walking around. It is all harmless and I've learn to ignore it. I'm glad I'm desensitising myself to this sort of thing. You really would be surprised how often it happens though!
The buses over here are hilarious fun to ride on. Some have an automated upperclass American lady's voice annoucing what stop is up next. You pull on a cord running down the sides of the bus to indicate that you want to get off and the sign that lights up says "Stop Requested" ^-^
At the funky Ranforest place last night Kate and I had a VOLCANO!!! A volcano involves several HUGE brownies staced together forming a mountain shape with icecrem in the middle, whipped cream on the top, it is then smothered in hot chocolate topping and a pretty sparkle thing is placed on the top. It was, I have to admit, one of the yummiest, most fattening, most sinful, most absolutely wonderful things I've ever eaten EVER!!!!!
I'm keeping lots of tickets and other random bits of paper in order to make a giant scrap book of my adventures when I get back.
I'm missing you all and I'm REALLY looking forward to coming back and seeing you all!
After I finish this e-mail we are going to go to the wharf 39 and takes pictures of all the sea lions. I'm also planning on buying a funky hat at Krazy Kaps. Wouldn't you buy something from a store with a name THAT cool?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!11
I'll be arriving at Sydney airport on Thursday the 29th at 7:25am.
I'd also like to apologise, this e-mail is probably filled with spelling errors and grammar errors. I have been typing with my SUPER-BOOYAH typing speed in order get this all down and I really don't have time to re-read it all. PLEASE DON'T JUDGE MY ENGLISH ABILITY BASED ON THIS E-MAIL!
OK poeple I better scamper off.