Not to fill my journal with INSTA-HATE all over again but I just have to say this.
The internet is filled of terrible, awful, hateful, spiteful, sarcastic, uncaring assholes who would sooner point and laugh at your 'MAGUS OPUS' rather than praise it for being the wishful-thinking, self-inserting, block of BLAH BLAH I'M SO SPESHUL LOVE ME that it is. You know this. You clearly have been writing 5937482874739 chapters of GAWDAWFUL FANFICTION where your OC and character of choice fall MADLY IN WUB AND HAVE 3947394783948 BABIES. And yet, you choose to put it up on A FUCKING PUBLIC FORUM ANYWAY. That's fine. Great. Peachy. I'd rather it DIE IN A FIRE, but its a free world. You can make her KIRA-KIRA-KAWAII-RAINBOW-CHAN DESU NE all you want I don't have the right to stop you.
I do, however, have every right to make fun of you because you posted it on A FUCKING PUBLIC FORUM ANYWAY FOR THE WORLD TO SEE HER KIRA-KIRA-KAWAII-RAINBOW-CHAN DESU NE speshulness. And even if we do post it up on a blog and say our FUCKING OPINIONS about it we are NOT STEALING YOUR ART. The only one who would want to steal your RAINBOW-CHAN DESU NE is someone who is just as much as A FUCKING MARY SUE AS YOU ARE.
For the last time, If you are NOT ready for your work to be made fun at, critiqued, commented on - PUT IT ON A DAMNED PRIVATE JOURNAL OR CHANNEL WHERE YOU AND YOUR BUNCH OF MORE KIRA-KIRA-KAWAII-PRETTY-CHAN DESUDESU friends can OHHH and AHHH over how WONDERFUL your spawns are. Do not put it on public view and expect the uncaring assholes that I told you about to "leave it alone, dnt lyk dnt read kk." because they WON'T.
And don't say "YOU COULD HAVE LEAST ASK FOR PERMISSION BAAAAAAAAAAH" because even if I did go "HEY YOUR OC SUCKS CAN I PUT IT UP ON A BLOG WHERE WE CAN MAKE FUN OF HER AHYUK." it's not like you would thank me for asking. No, we'd pretty much be where we are now; you WHINNING about "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE MY OC WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
Got it?
No, probably not.
I'm going to make Atalya's profile after my next class.