So far, all I can say about it is massive upheaval.
Overall, it's a big routine change. Last semester I made two very good friends: Nerd Boy and Crazy Girl. (If you read me anywhere other than LJ you might recognize NB and CG.) We had the most fantastic schedule ever. We all spent at least .. um. roughly 5 hours a day in each others company. It waffled, depending on the day, but. This semester is going to be hell. We all have class together Tuesday/Thursday/Friday. 11-12ish. That's it. After that, I have a break but they have class (together, thankfully for them) and then I have classes through when they're done. Mondays and Wednesdays are so short I don't even have a break. So. Lonely MJ is lonely on campus.
Add to this, so far this semester we've had 2 unexpected room changes. One is fine because it's up a floor and a bigger room which we need. The second is in a building in which I have never had class. I don't even know where to start looking for the room. =/ Whee! And I really liked both of those classrooms because they had really nice tables instead of being auditorium style with dinky little desks.
Classes, overall, seem like they will go well. Data Structures / Programming 2 is really focusing hard on Java, which I know, so I expect that it should go pretty well (and be fun!). Machine Architecture.. yeah. I'm taking it with Dovolis, who is one of the most awesome professors ever, I took Programming 1 with him. He said today "If you can't pass this class with me, you probably can't pass this class at all". I can do this! Even though I totally don't have one of the PreReqs. Hah. AI looks to be tricky. We're using Lisp, which I should be able to pick up okay, having learned Scheme last semester, but. =/ I am not the biggest fan of functional languages over Object Oriented ones. That class will be a lot of reading. We're talking 30 textbook pages a day. I am caught up, but I already feel behind. Lastly, Formal Language and Automata Theory. That's the one I have with NB and CG. So far, it's really exciting.. and I get it better than they do. *amazed* This is the one that I had to get permissions to get into. I hope I don't disappoint the Prof.. or myself.
But still, I'm really looking forward to the rest of the semester.