Wow, a computer. I forgot these things existed.
Nah, I'm just kidding. I wasn't away for that long, after all. Just 3 days. They were an interesting 3 days, to say the least. I experienced joy, sadness, laughter, horror... The sadness and horror were pretty much creating a mix at that point, you'll find out why later.
Let's start with Day 1.
Chirry's Mood: Excited, but it didn't show very much. Overcome by crankyness.
Music: I'm pretty sure I was listening to A Perfect Circle's Imagine right then. It was the first song on the playlist I'd created for the trip. Then there was Atreyu, Dry Kill Logic, Audioslave, Cold, Nirvana, Queen, yadda yadda. Bunch of things. Something about Staind's Price To Play made me repeat it over and over, though. The chorus was fun.
So, anyway. My sister and her babay came by and that's when the party started. Sort of. I was feeling cranky because they woke me up at 9. I wasn't exactly too overjoyed about that, so I didn't say much for the first part of the trip. It was like, a three hour drive, though. So I had time to chillax. My sister pulled out a few of her old CDs. Haha, there was Aqua, Roxette Something, 2 Bryan Adams CDs and The Eurythmics. That's what I remember, anyway. That was fun for a while, until I wanted to get my OMGHARDC0RE on.
So, Tim Hortons is retarded. I love their Ice Caps, but they're all a bunch of nuts.
Tim Hortons mistake, Day 1: She told us they didn't have a Sesame bagel. So I ordered a Multi-Grain one with cream cheese. My sister and mom did too. So we're driving off and I check the bag to get my bagel, I see one bagel in a seperate bag and the other two in the bigger one. The one that's alone is a Multi-Grain one. Yeeaaah, what the Hell? I started eating it. By the time my sister (who was driving) asked for her bagel, I was almost done with mine. I reach into the bag to give her hers, and I see a Sesame bagel.
... YEEAAH. Sooo, they did have sesame bagels. And instead of putting the sesame in a different bag, she put a multi-gr--.. I give up.
Anyway. We went around in circles, a few times. Mainly because people are retarded. I figured out why men hate asking for directions so much, that day. It's not because of pride of anything. It's just that people are fucking stupid. They either don't feel like telling you where to go so they shake their head, or they tell you they don't know even though they fucking live there, or they tell you and they're wrong and you get lost and get angry. Anyway, we got there at a certain point, found the place we were staying at and went to drop off our things.
It was a nice place, nothing amazing but it wasn't stupid, too. Only things I hated about it were the beds. They were good for jumping on, but for sleep? I was so uncomfortable. I can't wait to fall asleep in my own bed tonight.
The showers were damn nice, though.
So we take a bit of a rest and then decide to go look for a place to eat. We weren't familiar with the area at all, obviously, so we were pretty much going by which place looked decent from the outside. There was one restaurant called Pizza Royale and it supposedly had the best italian buffet anywhere. Pizza Royale it was.
I didn't like aaaanything, man. The guy making the pizza was cute, but that's about it. Some guy in the corner of the room kept looking at me every five seconds, so that kept me entertained for a while. My nephew pretty much went wacko with his screaming and though we found it adorable, some people didn't. Some stupid little girl actually started giving him the stink eye. Like she wasn't his age at one point in her freaking life. And her parents! Her dad kept shaking his head. Shut up, fatso. Like you and your wife have never engaged in sexual intercourse and produced a child that likes to scream his/her head off.
So, anyway. That place sucked. We went back home and did stuff. Played around with the babay, watched some TV, played cards, etc. Oh, and my sister and I read each other's essays. On the stuff that kids do that're annoying and the stuff that parents do that're annoying. Honestly, I don't think it's going to change anything. Mainly because we're both incredibly stubborn. I, obviously, believe that I'm right and they're wrong. She believes the opposite. Whatever, you know? I'm a happy kid. The things they're saying no to me about aren't going to drive me to suicide. I'd just be happier if I could do things my way for a change. But anyway.
Went to bed.
Day 2
Chirry's Mood: Normal. Kind of tired, but in no way hungry. Which was weird.
Music: A lot of Slipknot and Pantera.
Woke up too early for my liking. I picked out random things to dress and ended up in jeans and a yellow t-shirt with a green tank top over it. I felt like the Brazilian flag, yo.
Tim Hortons mistake, Day 2: We ordered bagels with cream cheese again, this time from a different place. We're driving off now.~ The cream cheese isn't even spread out on the bagels and they didn't give us knives. WHAT IN THE WORLD.~ Hell, even if they did give us knives, that'd be freaking retarded. Weirdass Québec Tim Hortons.
So we went to old Québec. Nobody knew where anything was. And then there was this horse carriage driver guy. He said something but we didn't get it, so he stopped right in front of the car. Then he parked his horse and stupid self and my sister took that as a sign that she could pass. The conversation happened in french, but you guys are 'tards, so here:
Guy, rudely: In a rush, ma'am?
Sister: Uh, no, I just didn't understand what you sa--
Guy: Oh, suuure. Okay. Well go on.
Sister: Are you offended or something, because I me--
Sister: Thanks for your time. =)
So we walked around and stuff. It was pretty koul. We took a lot of pictures, I'll get those developped and scanned when I can. Québec is pretty nice, man. The people there just fucking suck.
Anyway, we passed by this place that sells Christmas stuff all year long and I found the best God damn souvenir ever.
This thing was made for me. Naturally, I bought it. -Pose.- I also got a lip balm... I can almost swear that it's the best fucking lip balm on earth. It feels amazing on the lips. Eight dollars and a few cents for something so tiny, geez. It was worth it, though. Damn, my lips are smooth. Oh, but before I bought the balm, we got ice cream. It tasted horrible.
It felt like there wasn't a single decent restaurant in all of Qc., man! But after a looot of walking, we went to a restaurant. Le Relais or something. Now that place had some decent food. The waiters were a bunch of pretty boys, man. They were hot. Kind of. In a weird way. Nice accents, too. One of them actually wasn't a pretty boy, he looked hardcore.
BUT ANYWHO. Our waiter loved my nephew. Kept playing with him and stuff.
So on our way back home, we wanted to get caricatures done. The guy was really good but it was taking him forever to finish one drawing. So I said forget it. I couldn't wait under that horrible sun all day. So we're walking, walking.. And a group of kids passes by. I guess they were on some sort of field trip, but anyway. One of them actually winked and clicked his tongue at me. I was like, "Wtfff. Okay. Stay calm, Queenie. He's just a k--" And then this other one stares at me and goes "SALUT!" It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on. I just stared at him for a bit, and then blurted out "BONJOUR!" His friend was all "Elle t'as dit bonjour, man!"
Ahahah, kids. Why, when I was their age, I c--
Then we went home. Sister and I watched wrestling. That was some funny shit. I don't watch wrestling often, so I don't know if it's always this way, but... God, was the acting awful. At a certain point we just muted the TV and started saying what we thought would be best, depending on the people's facial expressions. That was the sadness and horror part. Mainly because... geez. Just go turn your TV on and watch WWF.
Then there was a little one-on-one chit chat going on between Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels.
Michaels: -Smirks.-
Michaels: -Smirks.-
Hogan: -Talks.-
Michaels: -Smirks.-
Hogan: -Talks.-
Michaels: -Smirks.-
Day 3 (that's today)
Chirry's Mood: Laaaazyyyyy.
Music: Slipknot, again. Mainly The Vermillion parts I and II.
Tim Hortons mistake, Day 3: My mom and sister didn't get the bagels this time, deciding that they were cursed. But I really felt like having a God damn bagel, so I got one. We told them to spread the cream cheese on the bagel before giving it to us. Driving away now. They gave us two bagels, instead of the ordered one. One multi-grain and one sesame. I SWEAR, THEY'RE ALL ON CRACK.
"But Lala, you should've checked the bags before driving off!" Excuse us for thinking that they wouldn't make mistakes every fucking time.
Anyway. We went to the Montmorency Falls. Went on the téléphérique thinger and walked across the bridge over the lovely splashing water. It was beautiful. It's too bad we didn't go all the way down to the bottom of the falls, though. Some people were actually swimming there, it looked like a lot of fun.
As souvenirs from that place, I picked up a rock that I found on the ground:
It might look like a potato, but screw that. It's one sexy rock. I named it Jacobo.
I also got green earrings, since I don't have any of that color:
The trip back was not bad. Didn't take as long as the trip there did, actually. I had my music to keep me company anyway, and we had discussions about what people view normal as and standards. All of that because of this:
Ma': Look at that guy.
"That guy" had a black-ish mohawk with green tips.
Me: Woah.
Ma': You can't tell me that anyone in their right mind would do that to themself.
Me: Why not?
Sister: Here we go.
Ma': Because it's not normal.
Me: Says who?
Ma': Me.
Me: And because your idea of what normal is differs from his, it automatically makes him insane?
Ma': It just doesn't make him normal.
Me: To you.
Ma': And humanity.
Me: No. To you and the people who think like you. He might think he's normal.
Sister: He's just trying to stand out and he has succeeded in doing so.
Me: Doesn't mean he isn't normal.
Ma': You'd do that to yourself?
Me: You make it sound like a punishment. And no, I wouldn't, because I have curly hair.
Blah, blah. We talked about a lot of things. It was pretty interesting.