*takes place before Kyle spills his heart to Bern*
Kyle: *having been sparring for the last few weeks with the ninja, who he'd been tentatively calling a friend, he almost looked forward to the ass kicking. Almost*
Watari: *had been attempting to work out or something that morning before work, but the night before (and several others) had not been kind to him. he was sporting light bags under his eyes, and was laying beneath a tree, fighting off sleep because he didn't want to dream*
Kyle: *blinks. He'd never seen the ninja so tired looking and out of sorts* Hey. You okay? *crouches down to peer at him*
Watari: *sighs and looks at Kyle* Rough nights.
Kyle: You...*refrains from any smart ass comments just by looking at the ninja's face* ...you not sleeping?
Watari: Not for any great length of time, no. *sighs and rubs his eyes*
Kyle: *sits down next to him, moving his sheathed sword on his belt so he can do so comfortably* You want to talk about it?
Watari: I doubt you want to listen to my problems.
Kyle: Hey, you're helping me with mine. I help you with yours. Two drops in the same river.
Watari: *sighs* It's dreams. Something.. something is hunting Kinnison... kills him. And I can't stop it.
Kyle: Ahhh. So then you still see it in your head while you're awake.
Watari: They're clearer now. They're not foggy and fade when I wake up. .... I wish they did.
Kyle: So you're just afraid it'll really happen.
Watari: In ways, yes.
Watari: It's not that he's incapable of defending himself, but I just... my old group has its way.
Kyle: The...Kage you called them?
Watari: *nods* Yes. It means Shadow.
Watari: *clearly going without sleep means getting answers is like pulling teeth*
Kyle: *can play the patient game. Mostly* So it's worrying about these Shadow guys that give you the dreams, hunh?
Watari: Yes. I've avoided them for years, and I have to wonder how long it will be before their patience runs out and they move to more... unsavory means of reaching their goal.
Kyle: Yikes. They sound like Nether Gate.
Watari: I suppose they might be. They're ninja that can be contracted to kill and spy.
Kyle: Did you have these dreams before or are they recent?
Watari: More recent, now that Kinnison I are settled.
Kyle: *he looks at the ninja silently for a long time* ....you must really love him then.
Watari: I don't know what I'd do if I lost him....
Kyle: So...it's because you actually feel something is when you realize you have something you can really lose.
Watari: I suppose. It's just... no one ever mattered to me before Kinnison.
Kyle: Then...is that why you're actually here? I mean, you aren't the most socialable of people, but you help people. Like me. And it's because of him, hunh?
Watari: Maybe, maybe not. Ever since I came here... since he wasn't afraid of me... I've wanted to try and not be what the Kage had made me.
Kyle: That seems to be succeeding.
Watari: You think so?
Kyle: Yeah. You got pulled out of the rip tide of the Kage. By him and kinda by everyone else. You're not all caught up in it.
Kyle: 'Cause if you can feel afraid of losing someone, you're feeling SOMETHING. Which sounds like it's better than whatever those guys teach.
Watari: You want to know what they taught? *looks over at Kyle*
Kyle: Sure.
Watari: They taught that life wasn't sacred. The mission was all the counted. If a comrade died, it was their fault. Leave them to rot and face the consequences. We were killers. We didn't need friends. We had targets. Our only loyalties were to the clan, and anyone who stood in our way was a deadman - man, woman, or child.
Kyle: Feitas. *quietly* So...how did you learn to feel anything at all?
Watari: *shrugs* I don't know. We were working for a corrupt ruler, and I we were ordered to slaughter a village. A young woman was protecting a baby and... I don't know. I looked around me and I suddenly... couldn't do it.
Kyle: You got distracted from the flow. And it just went from there?
Watari: I guess. I'd never... been ordered to slaughter an entire village before, and never children. I'd never put myself in the position.
Kyle: You know...that's probably what did it. That's what empathy is. Putting yourself into another person's shoes
Kyle: It started you thinking for yourself.
Watari: I guess you can think of it that way. .... But, I left during that mission. The Kage figured it out, and figured out I wasn't dead. That's a transgression. No one leaves the Kage alive. But they trained me to well in the art of survival. I evaded or killed all pursuers. I have for many years.
Kyle: So then you came here.
Kyle: And you met people, stuff happened and so on and so forth.
Watari: Pretty much, I guess. I kept my distance during the war, but... now... *shrugs*
Kyle: You're pretty cool for all that. You don't whine about things that have happened to you. You just take it and deal with it.
Watari: Whining doesn't solve the problem. Action does.
Kyle: Right on! We just have to figure out what action will help you.
Watari: The last time this happened, I found a solution I put into action in the dream, and it made them better. This... this I can't see a solution to.
Kyle: The dream is something attacks him and you can't save him, right?
Watari: *nods* He doesn't even see it coming, but I do. And I can't move. I mean, I am, but much to slowly. I haven't even drawn my sword by the time that thing runs Kinnison through.
Kyle: I don't know much about Kinnison, but isn't he forest wise? Moves like an elf?
Watari: It's different. If I fought the way I was trained to fight, I'd wipe the floor with Kinnison, and you know it. Even in a forest. He's wood wise, but he's not a trained killer.
Kyle: No, I mean, if Kinnison is wood wise, wouldn't he be able to hear something stalking him? Maybe you just need to scream something at him and he'll dodge.
Watari: I try. He doesn't hear me.
Kyle: Damn. There's gotta be a way to get around the whatever it is...hey! *idea!*
Watari: *cocks a brow*
Kyle: Well, so, he can't hear you and you can't move. And this big monster thing goes after him, right?
Watari: Pretty much.
Kyle: If it's your dream, why can't you call reinforcements?
Watari: Because... I never thought of it. I'm used to working alone, and my only teammates have been other Kage, which probably aren't a good idea to call when it's a representation of the Kage attacking my lover.
Kyle: But maybe that's just it, man! You aren't a Kage so why are you fighting on their terms?
Kyle: Get a little help from your friends!
Watari: It.... might work....
Kyle: Imagine anybody from the castle. Or a whole group of us kicking its ass.
Watari: I can try. Perhaps Geddoe...and you.....
Kyle: I don't know how much ass I could kick in real life, let alone a dream. But hell, maybe it'll work! *smart ass grin*
Watari: *reaches over and mock punches him*
Kyle: Tch. *takes the punch in the arm good naturedly* Hey, c'mon. Let's go get something warm to drink to at least wake you up for today.
Watari: I have hot chocolate and tea at the cafe.
Kyle: I can totally go for hot chocolate and something warm and buttery for a chaser. *offers a hand to help the ninja up*
Watari: *takes it and rises* I'll see what I can do. I think we have the stuff for cinnamon toast.
Kyle: Oh hell YES. Hey, you know? I've been getting a better handle on that monkey on my back ever since we've been sparring together. That and the extra meditation you've wanted me to do has helped me wrap my brain around it a lot easier.
Watari: That's good. I remember it was difficult for me to deal with my own darkness at first too.
Kyle: It's kinda weird, you know? *he says as they walk along* When my darkness first hit me, I was actually still a kid. I've just been thinking, if somebody like the Kage picked me up then, I bet they would have trained me not to care about life at all either.
Watari: I am sure they could. Most of the Kage are raised from very early on. I think I was born into it - some are. But no one is ever sure.
Kyle: So maybe I'm not that removed from you. I was just lucky and had good people who found me and helped me out until I'm strong enough to take it on myself.
Watari: Perhaps not. *they reach the cafe and Watari goes behind the counter to start the hot chocolate and the cinnamon toast*
Kyle: So I guess I'm just passing along the love or something. *pause, needs to add* ...in a totally platonic way.
Watari: *snorts* Don't worry. I know you have Bernadette, and aren't attracted to men like that.
Kyle: Thank you. Just so we're clear. Yay, cinammon toast~
Watari: *puts it in the oven to bake as he sets out the hot chocolate* Are you and Bernadette doing well?
Kyle: I'm...*and here he actually blushes* I'm gonna tell her I love her today.
Watari: *cocks a brow* Well, that is a step forward.
Kyle: I'm trying not to freak. Really. I know it'll be cool, but still!
Kyle: It's just the saying it, you knwo?
Watari: Why should you have to say it? Don't you show it often enough?
Kyle: I guess I do but...what if she's just waiting for me to say it? *groans, obviously worrying himself into a ball of of Queen's Knight*
Watari: If you show it, then words are an unnecessary waste of your breathe. Actions speak much louder than words. It is the actions the reinforce the words, not the other way around.
Kyle: *fidgets with that, but he IS listening* I'm just going to not worry myself to nothing today. Oh, and enjoy your cooking. I'm sure everything will be cool. *maybe*