Sitting on top of Ivan's desk is a box with a birthday card as well as a note.
I should of probably asked what others were getting you.
In side the box is
To: Grace
Sent: December 30th 10pm
Would you care to come over tomorrow for Hogmanay?
To: Frog, Alfred and Arthur
Sent: December 30th 10.02pm
If you dare show up at my door during the bells I will kill you.
To: Dewi
Sent: December 30th 10.04pm
If you decide to come over tomorrow then I suggest waiting till the bells and having shortbread, whisky, salt or coal with you.
To: Grace, Jo, Arthur, Dewi, Alfred and Ivan
Sent: December 30th 10.07pm
I'm making steak pie for Ne'erday if you wish to come over.
To: Grace, Jo, Arthur, Dewi, Alfred and Ivan
Sent: December 30th 10.11pm
If you are then please make sure any items you plan on bringing over are outside before the bells.
((OOC: Hogmanay and Ne'erday, serious business...))