Title: Lies Become Unraveled
Author: Jourdana Standish
Synopsis: Ezra discovers that everything he has ever known is nothing more than a lie. How does he cope with finding out the truth about himself when a woman from his mother's past forces her to reveal the truth?
Author's Notes: This suddenly came to me and is a nice break up of the major h/c/
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Comments 6
Loved the end bit!
Ezra is so going to love taking on the big brother role with Mary. He already feels a lot lighter in spirit then he has in a long time.
OMG the image of Chris as a bulldog. Haha. But you are right. One with feelings for Mary and the other views her as a sister. Neither wants rumors circulating about her so yeah. Poor Ezra!
So, now Ezra will have to talk to him about Mary... looking forward to read it, and glad that Chris and Vin didn't apply something serious.
Keep up the great work that you are doing with your fic and update asap.
*Hugs & Kisses*
Have a great day/night and keep smiling,
Sivan Shemesh
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